- 网络僵局

He added : People said London would be gridlocked today and it wasnt .
In a bitterly gridlocked town , every politician still pays lip service to small businesses .
Congress more gridlocked than ever Some folks in the financial world have not exactly been model corporate citizens .
He added : " People said London would be gridlocked today and it wasn 't. The transport system has coped . "
But the roads of Beijing , Rio , Istanbul and others are gridlocked .
The hospitals are gridlocked with accident victims .
Businesses are paralysed , hospitals are overwhelmed and roads are gridlocked as people try to flee .
In addition , few observers would expect Mr Obama to get anything important through a gridlocked Congress this year let alone something unorthodox .
Meanwhile , an explosion of car ownership has wrought gridlocked traffic and a halo of auto fumes .
Hardly : with Russia a permanent member of the UN Security Council , that institution has been gridlocked over Ukraine .
I think of Bam when I see a cyclist weaving through the traffic , a single mobile person in a gridlocked city .
Today , I want to urge you to actively seek out the most contentious , polarized , gridlocked places you can find .
International negotiations to cut emissions of the heat-trapping gases driving climate change are gridlocked in part because of a fundamental misunderstanding about what is fair .
A driver surnamed Cao said it took her nearly an hour and a half to reach a destination just a few kilometers away , due to the gridlocked roads .
The government has made some attempts to clean up polluting factories and steel mills , and has vowed to improve fuel standards and limit the number of cars on the country 's gridlocked roads .
Kelly said the bus was moving unlike the miles of gridlocked traffic but it emerged after several hours that the driver admitted to not knowing how to operate the inbuilt navigation system on board .
Once a salubrious garden city populated by retired army officers , it has morphed into a sprawling and utterly dysfunctional metropolis , its roads permanently gridlocked .
For example , careful driving during a storm may reward you with a free wiper blade installation from a nearby auto shop , or a stressful , gridlocked commute may earn you a free dinner from a local restaurant .
Two delivery workers pushing large trolleys of Amazon parcels on the subway said the company was using underground trains for most Prime Now deliveries because traffic on Manhattan 's gridlocked streets made it impossible to honour a 60-minute guarantee .