- adj.极端的;奇异的

You got four tickets for the concert ? - far-out !
Maybe it 's confidential financial data or far-out website that would freak other people out .
They had some far-out ideas about everyone living in communes .
Researchers are interested in spotting and studying such far-out objects because they provide a window on the early universe .
It was only a matter of time before the Apple Watch inspired some far-out concept videos for new Apple products the faithful would like to see .
Believers and kitsch-seekers must check out the International UFO Museum & Research Center , displaying documents supporting the cover-up as well as lots of far-out art and exhibitions .
This means that the comet could be the missing link between objects like Halley 's Comet and other debris in the far-out Oort Cloud of comets past Pluto , helping to explain their formation , which is currently a mystery to science .
The holographic chess game that Chewbacca played on a tabletop aboard the Millennium Falcon was pretty far-out in the 1970s , when Jeri Ellsworth saw it in the original " Star Wars . " It took several decades before technology caught up .