- adj.拉帮结派的;宗派性的;好搞宗派活动的;因搞宗派而产生的

Many of the old puritan colonist retain their factious temperament in the new world .
By contrast the American progressive tradition has been enormously factious , fragmented , and often self defeating ;
These meetings ought not to be sanctuaries for factious and flagitious fellows .
Tending to break up into parts or break away from a main body ; factious . If the vehicle is so equipped , remove the tilt steering column lever .
Previously factious interest groups will have to hammer out an agreement on how to pay the bills . The meeting was divided about the issue but at the final vote the moderates held sway .
So are there some vain persons , that whatsoever goeth alone , or moveth upon greater means , if they have never so little hand in it , they think it is they that carry it . They that are glorious , must needs be factious ;