- n.哈里发(尤为旧时伊斯兰国家统治者的称号)
- caliph的复数

Sometimes Muslim caliphs would have Christian wives or mothers .
As mercenaries by the Baghdad caliphs .
Yet again the Caliph must show you how to fight ?
The seed yield of Caliph was lowest , and relationship with other materials away . 4 .
The old beggar threw himself at the Caliph 's feet .
Egyptian Sunni caliphs occupied much of north Yemen throughout the 11th century .
The caliph must engage in jihad once a year as a minimum and may not accept any international borders .
When young Egyptians crowded into Cairo 's Tahrir Square , they wanted rights , not a caliph .
The caliph of Bagdad flied on his magic carpet to Arabia
Fatima was the youngest daughter of the Prophet Mohammed and was also the wife of the fourth muslira caliph , ali .
His intellectual curiosity led him not only into an enthusiastic support of the Church 's scholars , but also into a friendly correspondence with the Moslem Caliph of Baghdad .
Shawar responded by burning the city before Amalric could take it and use it as a base against Cairo ( the Caliph 's city and de facto capital of Egypt ) .
The caliph may not even engage with the UN and negotiate as this would be considered , in a hardline interpretation of Islam as accepting an authority other than that given by God .
Shirkuh remained largely inactive in the countryside , failing to attack either the besieging army or the garrisoned city of Cairo , which held the Fatimid Caliph .
The Dome of the Rock , whose golden roof shines from the Old City of Jerusalem , was built on the command of a Muslim caliph & but its architects drew heavily on Byzantine Christian models .
The man chosen to be the leader or caliph was Abu Bakr , a close friend and adviser of the Prophet and the man he chose to lead prayers as he lay on his deathbed . '
He also sought to test the al-Adid by publicly disrespecting him through such actions as riding his horse into the courtyard of the Caliph 's palace ( something only the Caliph was allowed to do ) .
" Imad ad-Din wrote that after the brief mourning period of Shirkuh , during which " opinions differed ", the Zengid emirs decided upon Saladin and forced the caliph to " invest him as vizier .
Thus the Arab Umayyad Dynasty of caliphs , which had moved the capital from MEDLINE to Damascus in661 , came to be regarded with much justification as a parasitic clique that had outlived its usefulness once the conquests were completed .
The only hint archaeologists have found is a chunk of pottery bearing the name " Hisham . " Baramki 's colleague , Robert W. Hamilton , has argued that this is proof that the palace belonged to the heir of the caliph , Al-Walid II .
And so little objection had Perch to being deferential in the last degree , that if he might have laid himself at Mr Dombey 's feet , or might have called him by some such title as used to be bestowed upon the Caliph Haroun Alraschid , he would have been all the better pleased .