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  1. I have known Fukuyama , who is 58 , for some time .


  2. Japanese American scholar Fukuyama proposed the theory of the end of history which aroused widespread dispute .


  3. But Fukuyama also made a point about the comparative inability of the U.


  4. Analysis of genotype and phenotype in Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy


  5. After 10 minutes I become anxious . Maybe Professor Fukuyama expected to meet me at the office .


  6. China , however , is moving rapidly towards a modern economy and I ask Fukuyama how prosperity will affect its political order .


  7. Fukuyama defines such states by three characteristics : formal bureaucratic institutions ; the rule of law ; and accountability .


  8. On Francis Fukuyama ′ s Economic Ethics


  9. Fukuyama retains faith in the capacity of smart leaders to find a path out of the cave .


  10. Fukuyama says he does not allow his children to drink milk in the first place , even before this incident or otherwise .


  11. Fukuyama says two of three external power connections to Onagawa nuclear plant are down , but the plant is fine with the remaining connection .


  12. Such declarations , as Francis Fukuyama discovered , tend to be made on the eve of wrenching change .


  13. On the Social Order under Capitalism in the Information era & A Review of The Great Disruption : Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order by Fukuyama ;


  14. The food arrives quickly and I tuck into my excellent lamb while Fukuyama eats slowly as he thinks about his answers .


  15. To my mind , recent times have felt rather more like the beginning of history , but Francis Fukuyama 's career has not suffered for predicting otherwise .


  16. Since the theory of social capital sprang up , Francis Fukuyama , whose study focuses on the relation between trust and economic development , has become a representative in the field .


  17. To many , these tumultuous events really did feel like the " End of History ," as my friend and your professor Frank Fukuyama famously put it .


  18. This is such a large subject that Fukuyama is tackling it in two volumes with the first covering from prehuman times to the French Revolution .


  19. Fukuyama 's Animadversion on Neo-classical Economics


  20. First , in this thesis , the basic theoretical content of the book " Trust-Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity " written by Francis · Fukuyama is introduced .


  21. As Francis Fukuyama has shown , it is the statist right , rather than the radical left , that has won the battle of ideas in the wake of the global financial crisis .


  22. Francis · Fukuyama ( 2003 ) pointed out that the greatest weakness of the concept of social capital , among other things , is how to measure social capital , which is in a lack of consensus .


  23. In this paper , I selected the bioethics idea of Francis Fukuyama who was the Japanese-American scholar as the template to discuss the problem of human development in the context of the rapid development of biotechnology .


  24. Through the analysis of the debate , especially the discussion about dimensions of history and morality of recognition , we can reflect on the consciousness of questions and its relation with Fukuyama 's the theory of the end of history .


  25. But the army has many other brigades , too : repentant neocons such as Francis Fukuyama , legal scholars such as Douglas Kmiec , and conservative talk-show hosts such as Michael Smerconish .
