
美 [ˈekwɪpɔɪz]英 [ˈekwɪpɔɪz]
  • n.平衡;均势
  • vt.(保持)平衡;使均衡;使相称;与…抗衡

过去式: equipoised 现在分词: equipoising 过去分词: equipoised 第三人称单数: equipoises



a state of balance


equality of distribution
Synonym: balance equilibrium counterbalance


  1. This requires us to research into how to equipoise the interests of both sides which are both under protection by law .


  2. The method proposed to solve the problem of vanadium extraction-steelmaking production scheduling provides a thought for improvement of production logistics and equipoise resources . It has a theoretical and practical importance .


  3. Analysis on Principle of Clinical Equipoise : ethical reflection on methodology of clinical research


  4. Only in this way , could equipoise basic education development get onto the healthy track .


  5. Construction network optimization includes construction period optimization , resource limited optimization , resource equipoise optimization , cost optimization .


  6. The presence of some positive secondary outcomes creates clinical equipoise for further research .


  7. A Study on Tasks Equipoise Scheduling in Heterogeneous Nodes


  8. Research on Strategies about No Equipoise of Contemporary College Students ' Rationality and Irrationality


  9. This paper presents a theory model of dynamic load equipoise algorithm , uses the existing algorithm to test this theory model .


  10. Brought into equipoise by means of a weight or force that offsets another .


  11. A Brief Talk about the Teaching of Equipoise Constants


  12. It pursued equipoise in diplomacy , maintaining the balance of politics in Middle Asia .


  13. Study on ' Moving ' - 'Calming ' Equipoise State of the Leisure Activity Election 's State and Our Country 's Control Strategy


  14. In the paper , the price mechanism of regulating the retailer 's purchase price was taken to equipoise the both parties'profit in the supply chain .


  15. Control of pumps unit belongs to large-range self-adaptive system and it is the key for equipoise operation to operate parameter in auto-regular system .


  16. It 's a nodus how to equipoise all players'benefit in course of VIC 's regeneration .


  17. And build the currency algorithms model and task equipoise algorithms model of rostering system . The question to crew rostering system model is solved by Genetic Algorithms .


  18. The model operation result showed that the compound system was stable and had its equipoise point , which indicated the structure of the reed and papermaking compound system was reasonable .


  19. Some questions have been discussed concerning the changes , equipoise , expands and optimization of the boundary of digital library based on the restriction of construction scale of information resources .


  20. The research on supplement 、 requirement and equipoise of Chinese non-governmental higher education ; The Study of the Nature of Expectations of RMB Exchange Rate under the Condition of Disequilibrium


  21. APPLICATION : Apply to Electric truck scale , electro-mechanic scale , platform scale , screening scale , single rating scale . the weights of a scale in equipoise ;


  22. The result show there are one and only co-integration relation among logistics development level , investment of fixed assets and economic growth , denote there are stable long term equipoise among it .


  23. The simulation results indicate the algorithm is able to equipoise the energy consumption , prolong the lifecycle of the network , and is a routing algorithm with better performance compared with other improved ant-colony algorithm .


  24. Two ameliorative methods of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of radar transmitter are described in this paper . One is called Electrically Operated Attenuator Method , and the other is called Amplitude-Frequency Equipoising Network Method .


  25. The political power must be socialized , changes the macro mode of internet control , and restores the excess power to the right in order to promote the equipoise between power and rights , state and society .


  26. To help realize its target of strategy , advance the power of competition and promote the inner organization equipoise development , reestablishment of rewarding system is becoming many China enterprise 's an important and pressing task in the reform .


  27. Upon this algorithm , a new algorithm based on degree-constrained and load-balance is proposed , which has a nicer integrative performance on equipoise the cost of multicast tree and the load of links and nodes .


  28. Utilizing OPNET simulation software through simulation experiments this paper analyzed and compared four kinds of forecast methods & moving average , exponential smoothing , autoregressive process and autoregressive moving average process that can equipoise the loading of distributed Web server .


  29. So we should learn more from precedent experience of legislation and perfect the relative laws and regulations on tender offer , strengthen the protection to minor shareholders , equipoise the rights and obligation of all interested parties in tender offer .


  30. Results ( 1 ) The positive expression e of PCNA , Bcl-2 and Bax were significantly higher in epithelium of nasal polyps than the controls , and the expression rate of Bcl-2 / Bax , however , was tend equipoise .
