- adj.冷漠的;没有感情的

He stood emotionless as he heard the judge pass sentence .
My voice surprised me ; it was even and emotionless .
Master must learn patience , said the emotionless Conseil .
After all , we are human beings with flesh and blood , not emotionless machines .
Though the essay may turn out to be an emotionless piece , that slightly affects the grade .
Many people make a negative impression on video by becoming stiff and emotionless , or by exaggerating their points .
Newly arrived to the seaside town of Broadchurch , he is all business and nearly emotionless .
He looked emotionless and fidgeted as he heard his bail set at $ 2,500 .
He sat emotionless in the pew for the remainder of the service , waiting for the congregation to exit .
Of the other men on board , I saw only my emotionless steward , who served me with his usual mute efficiency .
To me , they seem a bit more emotionless than I 'd expected , even via Nancy , though certainly not humorless or without personality !
After supper was served me by the mute and emotionless steward , I fell asleep ; but not without some anxieties .
He kept his emotionless objectivity and faith in the cause he served ; this passionless girl was like an icicle in the sunshine-margaret deland .
Old or traditional stereotypes of what it means to be a man emphasized the importance of males being " sturdy oaks "– strong , independent , inflexible , emotionless , and often , violent .
The trailer , released by Netflix , shows Robin Wright , who plays Spacey 's screen wife Claire , standing by Frank Underwood 's grave and delivering a few emotionless words .
Even if anyone walks out a bit confused or emotionless the first time , let it soak in , see it again , give some extra time to process what you saw , and I 'm sure it will grow on you .
When the command was delivered in a flat , emotionless tone , the dogs turned right , suggesting the animals were concentrating on the words , not the intonation . But when the commands exaggerated intonation or emotion , the animals turned left .
Levine 's discontentment with the show was allegedly further displayed at the NBC Upfronts presentation , where he sang at what a source described as an " emotionless " performance alongside his fellow judges Blake Shelton , Kelly Clarkson , and John Legend .