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  • 网络西非国家经济共同体;西非;共同体;共体
  1. He says ECOWAS should not tolerate disrespect for those rules .


  2. The last pat is the conclusion of this paper . It summarizes the experience and the lessons from the integration in ECOWAS .


  3. The fourth part analyzes the limited factors that affect the integration in ECOWAS .


  4. Evaluation Meeting of the ECOWAS Committee of Five


  5. UN officials said ECOWAS should also freeze the assets of the2 countries'leaders and impose travel restrictions on them .


  6. Meanwhile as soon as the ECOWAS CONTRACT AWARD COMMITTEE appove your prices they will contact you directly .


  7. ECOWAS Standing Mediation Committee of Nine


  8. Election observers will include a coalition from Ghana , the regional bloc ECOWAS and the United Nations .


  9. The United Nations has called on the West African regional group ECOWAS to impose tougher sanctions on Guinea and Niger .


  10. Observers from the European Union , the Commonwealth and the West African Economic Community , ECOWAS , echoed this assessment .


  11. ECOWAS Committee of Four on Sierra Leone


  12. In West Africa , ECOWAS ' peacekeeping mission to Liberia effectively restored internal peace to the country and order to the whole region .


  13. ECOWAS six-month peace plan for Sierra Leone


  14. As the major regional organization in West Africa , the integration in Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS ) directly affects developing prospect of West Africa .


  15. The correspondents say Guineans had hoped for tougher sanctions and the embargo was the weakest measure ECOWAS could agree on .


  16. The organization 's political director Abdel-Fatau Musah said that if needed , Ecowas would be in the country as quickly as it could to ensure order was maintained .


  17. A delegation from ECOWAS arrived in the Guinean capital Conakry last week for talks with the leader of a military coup that removed President Alpha Conde .


  18. The third part mainly introduces the progress of integration in non-economic areas , such as environmental protection , culture , society and collective security . And the part also analyzes the active role they play in integration in ECOWAS .


  19. the constitutional referendum in Niger , the prime minister says ECOWAS will have to discuss whether to follow through on the threat of s against the government of President Mamdou Tandja .


  20. 30 . We commend the efforts of the AU , the Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS ) and Mali aimed at restoring sovereignty and territorial integrity of Mali .


  21. The second part directly elaborates the progress of integration in areas of market , production and infrastructure and analyzes the reason leading to the different outcomes in the above areas , as well as discusses effects of the level of economic development on the regional integration in ECOWAS .
