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  • 网络调整;重新定向;重定向;适应;使适应;白银资本


set or arrange in a new or different determinate position
Orient the house towards the South
cause to turn
orient once again, after a disorientation
Synonym: reorientate


  1. Note that the pivot foot is facing the " old direction " and is twisting in place , so the horse will have to pick it up to reorient it to the new direction .


  2. Confronted with the outside changes , the shipping enterprises should reorient their development strategies .


  3. Teachers should set up correct role sense to reorient themselves .


  4. Reorient marks the tentative foundation of the new world system theory of Frank .


  5. Combined , these two measures will force Chinese banks to reorient their thinking and take into account market dynamics .


  6. If you want to continue to have a robust rate of growth you have to reorient your model .


  7. But after a period of time they reorient the dances to the earth 's magnetic field .


  8. PivotTable views enable you to quickly reorient your data to help you answer multiple questions .


  9. Despite the fact that many organizations are now taking steps to reorient the business culture to promote creativity .


  10. Political leadership on both sides will need to muster courage to reorient the relationship .


  11. We will closely observe and understand another seemingly unrelated world , and reorient our position within the history .


  12. We need a work vacation or two every year in order to reorient ourselves and reestablish our sense of perspective .


  13. This brief intermission from texting may also reorient your body 's relationship with space , Dr. Schabrun said .


  14. We need to resolutely work to reorient investment by shifting the government 's priority in infrastructure investment to the countryside .


  15. He has promised to lead the fight against austerity in Europe and to reorient the EU towards growth .


  16. The Design for IDE of Reorient Object For Freescale S12 MCUs


  17. Economists are asking whether countries such as China will be able to reorient their economies so that domestic demand becomes the main driver of growth .


  18. They must retool to tap more sophisticated export niches or reorient themselves to sell to the domestic market .


  19. That way , if you become disoriented , you can stop , refer to your map and try to reorient yourself .


  20. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna .


  21. This paper analyzes the main change of public libraries ' reference service work under the network environment and points out that the reference service work needs reorient with the development of electronic technology and network technology .


  22. But after a period of time they reorient the dances to the earth 's magnetic field . It takes years for a new plane to move from drawing board to mass production .


  23. It has been seeking to reorient its economy towards domestic consumption , but a survey of consumer confidence published by Nielsen last week indicated cooling towards discretionary spending .


  24. The research advance in brain science about the learning areas and the learning mechanism as well as learning principles in the brain offer theoretical support to reorient teaching and rethink the function of teaching .


  25. Since the " Reorient " has been published , many domestic and foreign scholars have been attracted by the author 's macro perspective , bold thesis , and the concern to the world civilization .


  26. These real " endangered worlds " in her fiction urge people to reflect on modern civilization and its damages to nature , and appeal to them to reorient their relation with nature .


  27. Allowing the renminbi and other Asian currencies to rise would help increase the purchasing power of households , raise the labour share of income , and provide the right incentives to reorient investment ' .


  28. In general , she would hold onto his hand and , gently but firmly , guide it directly toward the slot , reorient it as necessary , and help Benjamin to insert the key .


  29. But the bottleneck dolphins , which live in deep offshore waters , had empty stomachs , meaning that they could have been disoriented and were swimming for some time to reorient themselves .
