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The extension of time - doma in matrix method
Evaluation and Application for Parameters of DOMA
It 's called the Defense of Marriage Act , or DOMA .
When it was passed , DOMA looked like a solid victory for enemies of gay marriage .
Justice Anthony Kennedy declared DOMA in violation of the Fifth Amendment 's Equal Protection clause .
The Supreme Court in 2013 struck down DOMA .
Reaction is coming in from members of Congress to the ruling on DOMA , and divisions certainly run deep .
In 1996 , the time of DOMA , the majority leant 68 % to 27 % the other way .
In one , the court by a 5-4 majority striking down DOMA , which among other things barred federal recognition of same-sex marriage .
For Edie Windsor who brought the DOMA case after facing what she called unequal treatment because her late spouse was a woman ,
And the fact is that we have an Administration today that I am proud to say no longer defends the constitutionality of DOMA .
He campaigned on the promise of repealing " don 't ask , don 't tell " and DOMA .
Theda died , and federal officials , citing DOMA , denied Edie the federal tax benefits extended to other grieving widows .
By careful analysis , the parameters of DOMA ( Disperse Optical Model Analysis ) for some medium and heavy nucleus are determined . These parameters are useful for the evaluation of nuclear data .
But under DOMA , lesbian , gay , bisexual and transgender Americans did not have the same right .
Justice Anthony M. Kennedy joined the court 's four liberals in declaring unconstitutional DOMA 's prohibition on federal recognition of legally married couples .
: This paper analyzed Harrod & Doma economic growth model , discussed the conditions , paths and trends of economic growth in the developed capitalistic countries , and put forward some references for research methods .
Under Doma , same-sex marriages were not eligible for the 1110 federal benefits - from the ability to file taxes jointly to pension inheritance - that straight couples enjoyed .
But he just , we just had a very beautiful fraternal meal at the Doma Santa Mata where we 've been staying .
The four most conservative justices dissented including Chief Justice John Roberts on grounds that DOMA , which passed bipartisan support , should not be second guessed by the court .
Not content with having in1996 put a Defence of Marriage Act ( DOMA ) on the statute book , Congress has now begun to hold hearings on a Respect for Marriage Act .
Not content with having in 1996 put a Defence of Marriage Act ( DOMA ) on the statute book , Congress has now begun to hold hearings on a Respect for Marriage Act .
In the 17th century the French judge Doma created the theory of constructive fault and the court of France perfected this theory through a series of law cases . Soon such rule has been adopted in some countries .
Although he has promised to work for the repeal of DOMA and to end the ban on gays serving openly in the military , these are not priorities in the Obama White House .
RESULTS : Exogenous NE induces an about 100-fold increase in plasma NE concentration while blood pressure remained within normal limits . A 12-fold increase in plasma DHPG and 1.2-fold increase for DOMA were observed .
President Obama , whose administration said it would not defend Section 3 of DOMA , because it believed the provision was unconstitutional , called Windsor and the challengers of Prop . 8 to congratulate them .
This [ Doma ] places same-sex couples in an unstable position of being in a second-tier marriage , Justice Anthony Kennedy , the swing vote on the court , wrote in the opinion for the majority .
Edith Windsor , a New Yorker who brought the suit against DOMA after she had to pay an estate tax following the death of her wife , Thea Spyer , said she burst into tears upon hearing the court 's decision .
In this paper , a transformation is given , which transformed the dam seepage free - boundary problem into a fixed-boundary problem of a quasi-Liner elliptic equations on a rectangular ( as 2-dimension ) or cubic ( as 3 - dimension ) doma in .
But in striking down a key part of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act ( DOMA ), the court declared that gay couples married in states where it is legal must receive the same federal health , tax , Social Security and other benefits that heterosexual couples receive .