
  • n.退款;退单拒付
  1. Traditional physical server chargeback models do not work in today 's dynamic virtual server environments .


  2. To keep the chargeback rate from climbing even higher , Innovative Marketing invested heavily in call centers .


  3. We do reserve the right to stop selling for vendors that have too high of a chargeback rate .


  4. The customer obtains a credit card chargeback and the vendor is out of pocket .


  5. With accurate Chargeback reports , you can effectively recover IT costs and justify financial decisions of future purchases .


  6. System is divided into query , chargeback ( and print ), washed and re-playing module is .


  7. Among them , malicious chargeback , privacy theft , and system damage are the main hazards of malwares .


  8. Each user 's memory consumption , CPU usage , IP utilization , and so on , is tracked to enable chargeback within an enterprise .


  9. This is called a chargeback .


  10. Then , the article carries out empirical research on calculation methods on chargeback risk in foreign card acquiring business , and conducts compared static analysis based on false card data of international card organizations .


  11. Usage of cloud resources ( i.e.memory , CPU , IPs ) is also tracked at a user or user group level allowing CloudBurst to support chargeback across an enterprise .


  12. Katy : The credit card company will investigate , and if we have double-charged a customer or made a mistake , we 'll have to do a chargeback .


  13. When production enterprises carry out arrangements according to the demands of forecasts and orders , it is difficult to deal with the emergencies in the process of production ( such as receiving new orders , chargeback , etc ) .


  14. Because of the design concept that mobile operators support system , generally out-account is a process of deducing money from the users ultimately , that it implements all users ' current cumulative chargeback square accounts at the end of each month .


  15. Failure to comply with shipping , billing , routing , delivery , packing , labeling , or any other instructions or terms of this order , including but not limited to those listed in the next column and on the last page will subject to a chargeback .
