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  1. Google also integrates AutoNavi into its own mapping service .


  2. ' AutoNavi 's overall experience and accuracy is the best of the competitors , ' he said .


  3. AutoNavi is also the most widely used mobile mapping service in China , with 45 % market share , according to Analysys International .


  4. AutoNavi was acquired by Alibaba Group in 2014 .


  5. AutoNavi provides mapping and other navigation-based services , which Didi also uses in its ride-hailing services .


  6. The " Internet Car " will include Alibaba 's Yun OS and cloud computing resources , the Xiami music service , and Autonavi navigation technology .


  7. On Friday , it agreed to acquire a 28 per cent stake in Autonavi , the company behind China 's most successful mobile map app .


  8. AutoNavi already provides data for Baidu 's widely used mapping services , and the Chinese mapping company has spent years accumulating databases of businesses , location names and roads .


  9. Mr. Lynch said AutoNavi invests twice as much capital in its products when compared to its nearest Chinese competitor , NavInfo , which holds 43.2 % market share . '


  10. Seven Didi employees , who had recently moved to the company from AutoNavi , allegedly provided Didi with AutoNavi trade secrets .


  11. Earlier this week , it made an unsolicited bid to take private AutoNavi , in an all-cash deal that values the mapping company at $ 1.6bn .


  12. It also bought a 28 % stake in mobile mapping firm AutoNavi Holdings Ltd. , a move that could enable Alibaba to send location-based ads to smartphone users .


  13. It has amassed a 66 % stake in UCWeb , a popular mobile Web browser , and recently struck a deal to take full control of mapping service AutoNavi .


  14. Tencent faces an uphill battle for smartphone map users in a sector dominated by Baidu and Alibaba 's recent entrant Amap , which it acquired two years ago from AutoNavi .


  15. To gain an advantage , Apple likely chose AutoNavi because it provides the best overall data and system out there compared with its Chinese competitors , according to Jake Lynch , an analyst at Macquarie Group in Shanghai .


  16. Alibaba has fought back with a string of deals , including its offer last month to pay $ 1.13 billion for the 72 % stake in Chinese online map company AutoNavi Holdings Ltd. that it didn 't already own .


  17. Alibaba , which is preparing for an IPO in the US , has spent more than $ 6bn in the past year acquiring assets such as the internet browser UCWeb and online map maker AutoNavi .


  18. Customers in China , however , found more detailed maps covering their country than those overseas , in part because their data is provided by AutoNavi Holdings , a Chinese mapping company that makes auto navigation systems as well as virtual maps and satellite images .


  19. Didi Chuxing has announced plans to appeal to a higher court after Beijing 's Chaoyang district court rejected Didi 's appeal that the court did not have jurisdiction to hear a case brought against Didi by AutoNavi .


  20. Zhou 's remarks are in line with a report from AutoNavi , a Chinese digital mapping firm , in which it said in last August that ride-sharing apps have provided a new choice for the public , but have also added to traffic congestion .


  21. But in a sign of the continued isolation of China 's Internet from the rest of the world , Apple hasn 't integrated AutoNavi with information from Dutch navigation system maker TomTom , which helps to power Apple 's mapping service in other parts of the world .
