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  • abbr.战时工业委员会(War Industries Board);气象情报委员会(Weather Information Board)
  1. For our purposes however we 'll break just before the wib () function is called .


  2. WIB for Mitigation Analysis of Subway-Induced Low-Frequency Vibration


  3. Issuing'print value'and'print div'will show that the variables are10 and6 for this first wib () call and'print i'will show zero .


  4. In order to more easily find out what happened in the function which called wib () we can use gdb 's stack commands .


  5. This paper introduces the solutions of several problems in modern instruction implementation base on Web technology . Include the Wib paper design of multimedia electron courseware , the methods and making technique of Web paper optimization .


  6. Utilizing the two-dimension model , the effect of vibration isolation barriers including concrete filled trenches , open trenches and WIB ( wave impeding barriers ) under a building is analyzed .


  7. Gdb told us that the arguments to the wib function were both equal to8 so we might wish to examine the main () function which calls wib () to see when this happens .


  8. The results indicate that the relatively good isolation effect can be got by WIB in the homogeneous elastic halfspace and stratified foundation , while the WIB has reasonable breadth and relatively small embedment depth ;


  9. In this paper , the FEM software ANSYS is used to model the barrier isolation of the honeycomb WIB . The results obtained from the analysis based on ANSYS present some valuable references to the vibration isolation in engineering practice .


  10. Considering the fundamental solution of stratified halfspace obtained by thin layered method as the Green function for BEM , the paper studied some parameters in the design of 2-D wave impeding block ( abbreviated to WIB ) isolation in homogeneous elastic halfspace foundation and stratified foundation in detail .
