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  1. Method : 5 cases ' clinical dota from years of 1985-2003 were reviewed .


  2. This DOTA competition is closed for registered participants only .


  3. Blizzard has mentioned that games like DOTA do not qualify as a " high-quality " mod in their definition .


  4. There were more than 9 million DOTA players around the world by the end of June , according to official data released by DOTA 2 .


  5. League of Legends and DOTA 2 are both Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas or Mobas , action strategy war games typically involving two opposing teams of five individuals .


  6. Red Bull has embraced eSports over the past three years , focusing first on Blizzard Entertainment 's StarCraft 2 and adding Dota 2 to the mix .


  7. As I say , those of us who play Dota are stupidly passionate about it and we 'd notice an infraction of this kind pretty much instantly .


  8. This year , European Sports League ( ESL ) hosted a Dota 2 tournament at former World Cup soccer stadium Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt , Germany .


  9. Two will be offered in the first year , with Dota 2 , League of Legends , Counter-Strike : Global Offensive , and Starcraft II all under consideration .


  10. They won the DOTA 2 world championship at the international tournament in Seattle , US , on July 21 , taking home a $ 5 million ( 31.2 million yuan ) prize .


  11. Professor Alex Wade , from the University of York , said : " Games such as League of Legends and DOTA 2 are complex , socially-interactive and intellectually demanding . "


  12. Patrons of Acclaim Computer Cafe say that the Old Man of Dota comes in every morning to play for the entire day , only leaving to take breaks for meals and go home at night .


  13. A huge organization like Red Bull getting involved in eSports makes other big organizations pay attention and attract other big organizations , said Jimmy DeMoN Ho , a Dota 2 pro gamer on Team Liquid .


  14. Dionel Paguirigan has fun playing the video game Defense of the Ancients , or DotA . Dionel says : My New Year 's resolution is I want to spend more time on my studying than playing DotA .


  15. I guess 12 million active players each month , millions of Twitch viewers , and tournament prizes that overshadow pro sports aren 't quite enough for Dota to register on Apple 's radar .


  16. Both games - League of Legends and Defence of the Ancients 2 ( DOTA 2 ) - combine strategic thinking with quick reactions , and so could both reward and train up particular kinds of thinking .


  17. Anyone who still has doubts about the validity of eSports , or electronic sports , needs only to look at videos out of the sold-out KeyArena in Seattle from Valve 's Dota 2 : The International tournament .
