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  • 网络立体化学的;立体化学效应
  1. The stereochemical results were discussed .


  2. LC is mainly based on mechanisms of adsorption , mass distribution , ion exchange , size exclusion or stereochemical interaction .


  3. A study to determine the factors influencing the stereochemical results has been reported .


  4. Special considerations necessary for stereochemical impurity investigations are also discussed .


  5. Effect of Hydrosulfide - Reactors on Stereochemical Structure of AChE by Atomic Force Microscopy


  6. Stereochemical Effects in Mass Spectrometry (ⅹⅴⅲ) ── Detection of Chirality or α - Amino Acids by Reaction Mass Spectrometry


  7. A plausible transition state was proposed to explain the stereochemical results , and the structure-activity relationship of catalysts was studied .


  8. The binding geometry determined by interaction of the residues and bases in recognition area is indicated in the stereochemical chart .


  9. Stereochemical Effect in Mass Spectrometry ( 19 )── Determination of the Optical Purity of α - Phenylethylamine by Mass Spectrometry


  10. Regulation of Stereochemical Composition of Poly - γ - glutamic Acid in Bacillus subtilis NX-2


  11. It has been well established that the receptor selectivity and organ specificity not only depends on the chemical properties but also the stereochemical properties .


  12. Stereochemical dependence of carbon-13 NMR relaxation in 1,2-polybutadienes in solution


  13. The cells were globular with clear nucleoles , and the stereochemical structure after dynamic and static culture was similar with that of normal chondrocytes .


  14. As the most valuable antibiotic , the design and synthesis of these compounds , and their stereochemical characteristics , has become one of the frontier fields in organic synthesis .


  15. Because of mild reaction conditions , high conversion ratio and outstanding stereochemical specificity , biocatalysis has become the most promising and first choice method in the asymmetric synthesis .


  16. Moreover , the parameters affected the stereochemical outcome of the reaction , such as solvent , substrate design , immobilization and directed evolution , were more understanding .


  17. Stereochemical dependence of 1H , 13C chemical shifts in unequal dialkyl groups and 31P 13C spin-spin coupling constants were studied and discussed .


  18. The structures and properties of the compounds are profoundly affected by the unusual stereochemical effects of the so-called lone-pair electrons in heavy p-block elements in lower oxidation states .


  19. Alteration of stereochemical structure of TTR raised the formation of fibrils that deposited in the tissue , leading to familial amyloid polyneuropathy and senile systemic amyloidosis .


  20. The challenging structural and stereochemical features as well as their interesting biological activities of these compounds have aroused the interesting of many researchers toward the synthesis of pyrrolo [ 1,2-a ] indoles .


  21. Atom economy is important as a new standard to measure the quality of a synthetic method , however , the economic consideration has to be taken on the basis of stereochemical selectivity / specificity . This fact indicates that chemical specificity is more fundamental and important .


  22. Compounds 1a , 2 and 3 possess 2 or 3 three-center two-electron bondings , suggesting that it is necessary to adopt a delocalized molecular orbital bonding description to account for their electronic and stereochemical requirements . [ WT5HZ ]
