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  1. Together Rumbaugh and Booch attempted to reconcile their two approaches and started work on a Unified Method .


  2. Representativesof competing Object Technology companies were consulted during OOPSLA '96 , and chose boxes for representing classes over Grady Booch 's Boochmethod 's notation that used cloud symbols .


  3. Design and Development on Application of FMS with the Booch Method


  4. Grady Booch : Rational has pushed modern iterative software processes for years .


  5. Grady Booch first introduced active objects in his1990 book on Object Oriented Design with Applications .


  6. Reference guides , in contrast , focus mainly on important technologies ; Booch 's reference book on UML is one example .


  7. Frontier Journal ( FJ ): Frontier Journal is interviewing Grady Booch .


  8. UML came into being the unified modeling language extensively on the basis of Booch , OMT , OOSE .


  9. UML is a new standard graphic modeling language based on the object-oriented modeling methods such as Booch , OMT , OOSE and so on .


  10. Then I became a technical representative at Rational , and went from using OMT and rectangles to using the Booch methodology and clouds .


  11. Grady Booch ( GB ): Well , there are a couple of phrases that come to mind that I think answers your questions .


  12. Eventually , Grady Booch and others published books and papers that helped the rest of us understand what a good design looked like and how to produce one .


  13. A previous book ( Succeeding with the Booch and OMT Methods ) needed updating , and I was elected to do it .


  14. In the time when Booch became IBM Chief Scientist for software engineering he also started efforts to write a Handbook of Software Architecture which is still an ongoing project .


  15. Grady Booch describes aspect-oriented programming as one of three movements that collectively mark the beginning of a fundamental shift in the way software is designed and written .


  16. Grady Booch : Mike Devlin and I have known you for years , as have many of our customers and colleagues in the field of software development .


  17. " Architectural complexity "( Grady Booch , IBM Rational ):" Can ( you ) meaningfully compare the complexity of the architecture of one software-intensive system to another ?"


  18. At that time , Rational Software Corporation was a member of the Agile Alliance ; Grady Booch represented the company , and we had a presence at this conference .


  19. Agile methods , especially XP , are a great fit for small teams , and as Grady Booch noted a couple of years ago , most software development is done by teams of between five and nine people .


  20. She also meets once a month with her " circle of advisors " key industry people like Grady Booch to talk about projects , ideas , and generally to brainstorm about what AW should be covering .
