- v.发出嗡嗡声;发出蜂鸣声;充满兴奋(或活动等)
- buzz的第三人称单数

New York buzzes from dawn to dusk .
Let 's face it , coffeehouses have multiple buzzes going on .
The radio should be fixed ; it buzzes whenever I turn it on .
The vacuum surrounding it buzzes with artificial satellites , forming a sort of technosphere beyond the atmosphere .
As a military helicopter buzzes overhead , a resident counts eight people killed and many more hurt in the area in the previous three months .
Public buzzes have billboards all over them .
The de-buzz processor squelches nasty line frequency buzzes .
Eva is protective of her true affections , rarely gives them out and is very clear on the type of man who buzzes her circuits .
Can you hear the buzzes ?
You can add more activities and social buzzes to your current life , little by little , till you find out the best channel to express yourself and interact with the incredible others .
But if one day your computer buzzes in your ear , " I 'm sorry Dave , I 'm afraid I can 't do that ," it is time to be very worried .
The Bumblebee wallet contains a vibrating motor that buzzes whenever the owner 's bank account has a transaction . The length and pattern of the buzzes correspond with different kinds of transactions .
Let 's face it , coffeehouses have multiple buzzes going on . People . Internet . Connectivity . Social interaction . Exchanges of ideas . And tasty treats beyond the joes and javas .
MELP vocoders utilize mixed pulse and noise as the excitation to elimate the buzzes in traditional LPC vocoders , and add a jitter voicing state to overcome the tonal noise .
After switching this summer , I quickly realized the power of iPhone " Reminders . " Each time a reminder is due , your iPhone buzzes and displays a pop-up . You can snooze it or mark as completed .
For centuries , Africa 's slum dwellers have scored cheap buzzes by fermenting local crops like banana , pineapple and palm into home brews , some of which is so toxic it sends drinkers to the hospital .
Now , one of Mr. Jin 's bars , NBeerPub , tucked away in a laid-back part of Beijing 's old town , buzzes with young Chinese customers ordering imports like Delirium Tremens , Lindemans Framboise and Brewdog Punk IPA .
Not only does the new director intend to put the entire museum collection online , but he is also eager to use the internet more inventively to " tell the great stories of the objects we own and give visitors a sense of their artistry . " Mr Campbell buzzes with ideas about how this might be done .