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  1. Expression of phospholipase - γ 1in human fetal tissues


  2. Conclusion : 1In my study , COPD rat model was successfully established by inhalation of cigarette smoke for four months .


  3. Some statistics say that the enterprise each invested $ 1in the brand image design , the gains is $ 227 .


  4. 1In the Lord I take refuge .


  5. The results : the type of the organic matter of source rock belongs to the ⅲ 1in the study areas , it is a good gas source rock , and it is good potential for gas .


  6. Suggestions : 1in Taijiquan teaching process to students ' basic skills training , explaining the many terms used , strengthen the theory of Taijiquan , the attack and defense and the cultural connotation explanation .


  7. Objective To study the effects of exogenous transforming growth factor - β 1 ( TGF - β 1 ) on regulation of cell cycle progression and expression of the TGF - β 1in MG-63 human osteosarcoma cells .


  8. Drp ‐ 1is the major role of mitochondrial fission . Many studies found that the expression of Drp ‐ 1in nerve cells was increased , subsequent translocation to the mitochondria and activate Caspase system . Ultimately lead to mitochondrial fragmentation and cell apoptosis .


  9. 1In the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers : Barnabas , Simeon called Niger , Lucius of Cyrene , Manaen ( who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch ) and Saul .
