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  • 网络金子;近字;紧仔
  1. This will select the right actress , " JinZi " Figure Sculpture and major aria of a series of processing .


  2. Zhi Chenglin , a Jinzi Mountain local , was first to come up with the idea after quitting his delivery job in the provincial capital of Guangzhou .


  3. On weekends , residents from big cities in the Pearl River Delta flock to the northern regions of Guangdong , including the 1417-meter-high Jinzi Mountain ( Gold Mountain ) , which is known for its clean air .


  4. Although the " wilderness " of the main line is revenge , but because of the particularity of identity in order to make an invisible line " JinZi " Cheng will play each character are organically linked together , she plays an important role in the whole play .
