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  • 网络北京金恒丰;恒泽基业;威斯特;北京恒泽基业科技有限公司
  1. Study on " jhf treating method " of diatomaceous support


  2. JHF treating method for deactivating diatomaceous support was studied .


  3. A Study on the Characteristics of JHF Fluorescence Fingerprint Reagent and A Determination of its Fluorescent Spectrum


  4. JHF donated RMB10000 to bayinhua school towards the construction of a large green house used in the school 's training program for local farmers .


  5. The program ( CXS ) compiled by author has been applied to design rotary bury component of JHF 130 straw chopper .


  6. JHF has two representative offices in China ( in Tianjin and Xining ) and is in the process of registration with the Ministry of Civil Affairs under the new NGO law .


  7. The influence of JH and JHF on the viscosity and gel time of the resin in RTM as well as the volume resistivity and flexural properties of FRP are studied .


  8. The results indicate that the flame-retardant and antistatic properties can simultaneously meet the corresponding national standards when JH and JHF are added up to the 1wt % and 3wt % , respectively .


  9. Computer programmes are worked out in this paper . Using the programmes , the critical rotation rate of chopping drum of field straw chopper JH - 100 * IHF - 150 , JHF - 130 are calculated particularly and main factors , influencing critical rotation rate are analysed .
