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  1. Node Control and Reliability Improvement of Fuel System in GK_ ( 1F ) Locomotive


  2. Microcomputer on-board Control System of GK_ ( 1F ) Diesel Locomotive


  3. 1F one person gazed in a certain direction , everyone followed suit , hearts beating faster .


  4. Spheroidizing Mechanism and Ac_ ( 1f ) Temperature Equalization Spheroidizing Annealing Technology for High-carbon Steel


  5. 1f I could have earned a living by any of those methods , I would have quit my own bitter profession long ago .


  6. Thus , Ac 1f temperature equalization spheroidizing annealing technique is developed , which acquired good spheroidizing quality , shortened productive cycle and saved energy in production test .


  7. F Then I 'm going to print a capital F just % 1f C to be aesthetically interesting equals another % . 1fc .


  8. The structure design , the characterization and influence of plasma spraying process 1f TBCs / metal are addressed in this article , and also the use of TBCs is reviewed on this paper .


  9. Trouble analysis and treatment of the blowby of GK_ ( 1F ) s ' and GK_ ( 2B ) s ' diesel engines


  10. The frequency distribution of the two traits in the BC 1F 2 population was bimodal , and their segregation ratios were in accordance with the expected Mendelian inheritance ratios .


  11. Objective To study the genetic polymorphisms of UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1F ( UGT1F ) and the relationship between polymorphisms and susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) .


  12. The joint transform correlator adopting one Fourier transform lens ( 1f JTC ) was realized . Integrating with digital image processing , the system directly modulates joint power spectra and produces good correlation performance .


  13. Remove / / and % 00 - % 1f , % 7f - % ff , % 25 from the default list of bad url characters .


  14. Results of luciferase assay showed the identified NF - κ B responsive element acted as a powerful positive regulation element and took an important part in TSA-induced activation of nNOS 1f promoter . 7 .


  15. The esterase 1 locus ( Es-1 ) of esterase fast regions were controlled by multi alleles , and decreased isozyme bands Es 1D and Es 1F . Their activity lowered 20 7 % .


  16. NNOS 1f promoter structure was analyzed by softwares . A series of truncated luciferase reporter vectors were constructed and Dual-Glo luciferase assay system was used to detect the activity of different parts of the promoter . 4 .


  17. The results show that the diabase penetrating into E 1f 2 and E 1f 4 accelerates the inversion of organic matter to hydrocarbons , but it destroys original oil and gas reservoir , and influences the formation of secondary oil and gas reservoir .


  18. Experiment le and 1f further compared the access effect of central concept between event-relatedness and word frequency-relatedness , the results showed that the access effect of the former excelled the latter significantly . Moreover , the access effect of event-related central concept was not influenced by its frequency .
