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  1. Ionic polarizability at a flow rate is about 1ml / min by gradient elution .


  2. Physiological saline ( 1ml ) was injected into the knee joints of the controls .


  3. THE DEVELOPMENT OF GRIN OPTICS at a flow rate is about 1ml / min by gradient elution .


  4. The animals were injection of 3 % pentobarbital ( 1ml / mg ), then underwent surgery .


  5. The model of leukopenia was built by giving benzene ( s. c 1ml / kg ) to the rabbits .


  6. Under the concentration of 1ml / kg and 2ml / kg , the difference of the branch growth was not significant ;


  7. The treatment , developed by a French biotech company called Cellectis , consisted of 1ml of UCART19 cells injected into Layla 's bloodstream .


  8. In the experiment , each chicken has taken 0.5g ~ 3g such medicine mixed with feed or 1mL ~ 3mL decoction mixed with drinking water per day .


  9. Methods After sterilized Chinese ink ( 1ml ) was infused in normal tissue at four points , extensive cervical resection and cleaning operation of pelvic lymph nodes were performed .


  10. Methods : After anesthesia , myocardial contrast echocardiography was performed in 10 closed chest dogs by peripheral intravenous injection of Sigma contrast agent ( 1ml / kg ) .


  11. Rats above were treated by intragastric administration with 1ml / 100g at 8:30-10:00 everyday , while the ones in normal control group were treated with distilled water by the same volume .


  12. The CPC solid powder and curing liquid were mixed in the port according to the proportion of2g : 1ml and get paste mixture , namely the CPC dough .


  13. Other groups were injected in the abdominal cavity 1mL / kg 40 % CCl4 - oil ( 2 times per week ), while oral administration , 1 time per day for 4 weeks .


  14. The AHNP model was induced by retrograde intraductal administration of 5 % sodium taurcholate ( 1ml / kg , 0.1ml / min ) .


  15. SAP group : SAP was induced in male SD rats by the retrograde injection of 5 % sodium taurocholate ( 1ml / kg ) into the biliopancreatic duct .


  16. The quaternary ammoniation reaction conditions are confirmed by the orthogonal test . The intrinsic viscosity and the quaternary ammonium of the product are 1175 . 1mL / g and 20.1 % respectively .


  17. Operation group were made by injected autologous no-heparinized artery blood 1ml / kg body weight into chiasmatic cistern for the first time , once again 0.5ml/kg body weight after 48 hours ;


  18. The treatments were daily conducted by intragastric administration for 13 weeks based on body weight which was weighed once a week . The capacity of intragastric administration were 1ml / 100g body weight .


  19. The dosage of 4 patients with bilateral masseteric hypertrophy was 50 U / 1ml for each side and the dosage of the other one with left hypertrophy was 60 U / 1ml .


  20. Methods : Fertilized rats were divided into three groups , 40 % iodide oil was injected into two high iodine group 's stomach through mouth with 1ml / kg . bw at day 0 and day 7 respectively .


  21. Adult female guinea pig were randomly assigned into three groups : control ( 1ml / kg NaCl ), ischemic / reperfusion ( 1ml / kg NaCl ), Fosinopril ( 10 mg / kg ) .


  22. After 2.7 ml of heparin saline and diluted blood had been discarded , 3 blood samples ( 1ml each ) were obtained from the radial arterial pressure tube successively as A , B and C test groups .


  23. And in animal feed to the required time , with 4 % chloral hydrate ( 1ml / 100g ) after intraperitoneal injection of anesthesia , conventional perfusion fixation , the brains were removed intact .


  24. The test results have shown the critical preheat temperatures are 60 ℃ and 100 ℃ when the contents of diffusible hydrogen in the weld metal are 1ml / 100g and 2ml / 100g respectively .


  25. 100 Wistar rats were randomly divided into operation group with 85 infused bleomycin ( 1ml / kg ) through tracheal intubation and fake operation group with 15 rats infused normal saline of the same volum .


  26. Through orthogonal experiment , the optimal extraction conditions were obtained as following : the volume ratio of two phases is 4:1 , the dilute times of soybean slurry is 3 times , the current velocity of soybean slurry is 1ml / min.


  27. Normal saline was injected through the needle with the flow rate 1ml / s , 2ml / s , 3ml / s , 4ml / s respectively , then the various flow speed and volume were observed .


  28. Results ( 1 ) adding proper autologous blood (< 1ml ) to the preparation of bone cement ( 20g : 10ml ), there was not statistically significant among the hardness and other tested parameters except . the dough time .


  29. Methods After anesthesia , myocardial contrast echocardiography ( MCE ) was performed on 10 closed chest dogs by peripheral intravenous injection of Sigma contrast agent ( 1ml / kg ) . Meanwhile , the heart rate and blood pressure were recorded .


  30. Before two hours of administration with TAA , each rat in group A and group B were given normal saline 1ml / 100g weight , and the left were given the same volume / weight medicine respectively , then redone every 8h .
