
  1. 黑龙江省高速公路沥青路面养护决策分析

    The Analysis of Maintenance Decision-making on Highway Asphalt Pavement of Heilongjiang Province

  2. 黑龙江省高速公路一卡通收费系统的构想

    The Conception on the Toll System of " passable card " in Heilongjiang Province Highway

  3. 通过对黑龙江省高速公路收费系统的调查和研究,提出了高速公路一卡通收费的构想。

    Through the research & investigation of the toll system in Heilongjiang Province Highway , the conception on the toll system of " passable card " in highway is provided .

  4. 结合黑龙江省高速公路建设实践,讨论了公路绿化设计方案及布局原则,提出了高寒地区绿化设计的具体措施。

    Combined with the experiences in the expressway construction in Heilongjiang province , discussion is made on the strategies and distribution principle of expressway virescence in cold regions , and given the measures .

  5. 1999年由黑龙江省高速公路集团公司与吉林省高速公路集团有限公司和华建交通经济开发中心共同出资,发起设立了东北高速公路股份有限公司,并成功上市。

    Northeast Expressway Company which is jointly funded and set up by Heilongjiang Provincial Expressway Corporation and the Jilin Provincial Expressway Group Limited and the transportation economic development center limited successfully listed in 1999 .

  6. 黑龙江省哈大高速公路中央分隔带绿化树种调查与选择

    Investigation and Choice of Median Separator Greening Plants along Harbin-Daqing Freeway in Heilongjiang Province