
hēi ní
  • black mud
  1. 黑泥对小鼠皮肤胶原蛋白和毛发生长的影响

    Effects of black mud on content of collagen of skin and growth of hair in mice

  2. 他们只好把船扔下,涉水过岛,然后搭公交车回去,脚上带着厚厚的黑泥。

    They had to leave it and wade across to the island to get back by bus , their legs encrusted with thick black mud .

  3. 结果表明:黑泥能明显增加小鼠皮肤中胶原蛋白的量,提高皮肤中SOD的活性,有降低皮肤中丙二醛量的趋势,促进毛发生长,增加毛发表面光滑度。

    The results show that the content of collagen and the activity of SOD in skin of mice are obviously increased , and the content of MDA in skin of mice has a decreasing tendency .

  4. 黑泥里面市场大

    Big Market of the Black Sludge

  5. 盐化水稻土中黑泥层形成过程的初步研究

    Some laboratory observation on the formation of black layer in the recently reclaimed saline soils under rice cultivation

  6. 死海丰富矿物质的海水和提炼出来的黑泥,据说对皮肤病具有神奇疗效,所以有很多游客是慕名而来。

    And tourists flock here just to float and bathe in its rich mineral mud , which is said to have healing properties .

  7. 白泥湾白铜厂为含镍蛇纹菱镁片岩。朱布、黑泥坡开发镁橄榄石砂、镁橄榄石砖与白铜厂开发水溶性农肥并副产菱镁矿均具良好的开发前景。

    There is a good prospect to develop forsterite sand and forsterite brick in Zhubu and Heinipo , develop water soluble fertilizer with magnesite byproduct in Baitongchang .

  8. 顺便提一下,晚上抹的化妆品还没算呢:用可爱的小抹刀涂抹黑泥面膜及起清凉作用的晚霜;

    That is not to mention , by the way , the evening 's jollities : the mud masks and the cooling night-creams , applied with darling little spatulas ;

  9. 黑钨细泥高梯度磁选的研究

    A study of high gradient magnetic separation of WOLFRAMITE SLIME

  10. 黑钨细泥选矿新工艺工业应用的研究

    Study on the INDUSTRIAL-APPLICATION of the new process for treating WOLFRAMITE SLIME

  11. 本文介绍了用甲苄胂酸和丁黄药混合捕收剂浮选黑钨细泥的成果。

    In this paper , methyl benzyl arsonic acid and sodium butyl xanthate are investigated as a mixed-collector for the flotation of wolframite slime .

  12. 黑钨细泥具有产量大、品位高、金属量大等特点,而如何高效地从中回收钨一直是困扰选矿工作者的难题之一。

    Wolframite slime , being characterized as high yield , high grade , high content of metal , etc , has long been a challenge for researchers of mineral processing to recover tungsten from the slime effectively and efficiently .