
  • 网络Heligoland;Helgoland;Aerosoft Helgoland X;HGL
  1. 德国黑尔戈兰岛——几乎没有哪个发达国家会像德国这般卖力地寻求全球变暖的解决之道。

    HELIGOLAND , Germany - Of all the developed nations , few have pushed harder than Germany to find a solution to global warming .

  2. 正因为如此,三家公用事业公司差不多算是把黑尔戈兰岛给占领了,直接与这个度假小岛上的一家酒店签下了10年的租约。

    That is why three utilities have virtually seized control of the tiny resort island of Heligoland , renting out one hotel for 10 years straight .

  3. 德国黑尔戈兰岛&几乎没有哪个发达国家会像德国这般卖力地寻求全球变暖的解决之道。

    HELIGOLAND , Germany & Of all the developed nations , few have pushed harder than Germany to find a solution to global warming .

  4. 它们正按照长期规划建设风电场,一直要建到距海岸125英里远的地方,而黑尔戈兰岛是最适合用来做行动基地的一片陆地。

    It is the most convenient body of land to use as an operations base for the huge wind farms they are installing , with long-range plans to go as far as 125 miles offshore .