
  • 网络Bluefin Tuna;Thunnus thynnus
  1. 黑鲔鱼在日本属于高价位食材,是日本人的料理文化中不可或缺的一部分。

    Bluefin tuna is a high-priced food ingredient in Japan , and an integral part of the Japanese .

  2. 那你可以带点黑鲔鱼回来给我们吗?

    So can you bring some bluefish tuna back for us ?

  3. 那你爸一定有补过黑鲔鱼吧?

    I am sure your dad has caught bluefish tuna before right ?

  4. 黑鲔鱼超珍贵的,还不一定捉的到呢。

    Bluefish tuna is very precious ; we may not even catch one .

  5. 大西洋黑鲔鱼可长三米长,重达六五○千克。

    Atlantic bluefin can grow three meters long and weigh as much as six hundred fifty kilograms .