
  • 网络black dragon pool;Black Dragon Pond
  1. 不过,我们还是继续我们的行程,第一站娄底张家界自驾车了丽江的黑龙潭。

    However , we continue our journey , the first destination in lijiang is black dragon pool park .

  2. 公路从山间峡谷穿过.丽江:游览虎跳峡,金沙江,古城,黑龙潭。

    Lijiang : Tiger-Jumps Canyon , Jinsha Jiang River , Ancient City , Black Dragon Pool .

  3. 我带你去看看黑龙潭的鱼。

    I am going to take you to see some fish in Heilong pond .

  4. 历史上,黑龙潭庙的盛名早已超出了村这一范围。

    Historically , the Black Dragon Temple had a reputation extending far beyond the village .

  5. 但是榆林允许黑龙潭庙加入由政府资助的道教协会,这就给他了合法的外衣。

    But Yulin has allowed the Black Dragon Temple to affiliate itself with the government-sponsored Taoist Association .

  6. 目前,黑龙潭名胜区已辟为“黑龙潭公园”。

    Today the black dragon pool has been made part of a beautiful park bearing the same name .

  7. 今天去了黑龙潭,第一次,梅花让我看着就觉得满眼的幸福。

    Today I went to Black Dragon 's Tam the first time , let me look at Plum eyeful , feeling happiness .

  8. 其实,早在明清时,丽江就享誉中原,其城关大研镇的黑龙潭,潭水澄清,明洁如玉,游鱼细石,历历在目。

    N * as a matter of fact , its reputation had been recognized by the vast area of middle China as early as Ming and Qing dynasty .

  9. 我们沿着西溪,翻山越岭,穿过果香扑鼻的苹果园,在黑龙潭附近待了老半天。

    Following the West Valley , we climbed more peaks and ridges , passed through the fragrant apple orchard , and lingered for a while by Black Dragon Pool .

  10. 丽江:游览虎跳峡,金沙江,古城,黑龙潭.虎妞往西走,祥子跟到了金鳌玉呜。

    Lijiang : Tiger-Jumps Canyon , Jinsha Jiang River , Ancient City , Black Dragon Pool . Tigress walked in a westerly direction and Xiangzi fol - lowed her to the archway ax one end of Beihai Bridge .