
  • 网络golden grand prix
  1. 上海国际田联黄金大奖赛将在5月15日,作为联赛的第二站庆祝它连续第六年在上海举行。

    The Shanghai Golden Grand Prix will celebrate its sixth straight year as the League's2nd stop May15th .

  2. 中国媒体纷纷认为刘翔将在今年9月在上海举办的国际田联黄金大奖赛回归赛场。

    Chinese media have set their sights on the IAAF Shanghai Golden Grand Prix in September for Liu 's return .

  3. 他在托特黄金大奖赛中获得季军。

    He finished third in the Tote Gold Trophy .

  4. 中国跨栏选手、前奥运会和世界冠军刘翔在周日的上海国际田径黄金大奖赛上完美复出,获得了亚军。

    Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang , former Olympic and world champion , returned to competition in style by finishing second at the ShanghaiGolden Grand Prix here on Sunday .

  5. 一年之后,刘翔复出,在上海国际田联黄金大奖赛和第十一届全运会都获得了冠军,表现出色。

    A year later , Liu Xiang back in the IAAF Shanghai Golden Grand Prix and the Eleventh National Games has won the championship , doing so well .

  6. 现年26岁的刘翔起跑时变现得爆发力十足,冲刺时他更是拼尽全力,最终以13.34秒的成绩率先冲过终点。就在上个月,他刚刚在上海黄金大奖赛上夺得亚军。

    The 26-year-old Liu , who finished second at the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix last month , exploded out of the starting blocks and hit the line first with a last-gasp burst in 13.34 seconds .

  7. 这次110米栏比赛是自上海黄金大奖赛后刘翔最新一次亮相。在接受右脚肌腱顽疾的手术治疗后,刘翔于上个月的上海黄金大奖赛上正式宣布自己的回归。

    The race was Liu ` s first since he staged his comeback from Achilles tendon surgery last month at the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix .