
huánɡ jīn jià ɡé
  • gold price;price of gold;gold rate
  1. 当黄金价格上涨时,Au(T+D)合约的多头将获得收益,而空头会遭受损失。

    When gold price goes up , long position of Au ( T + D ) contract encounters profit and short position encounters loss .

  2. 鉴于黄金价格时间序列数据往往具有较大的随机波动性,传统的灰色预测模型GM(1,1)对随机波动性较大的时间序列数据的拟合效果较差。

    In the view of large stochastic volatility of time-series data of gold price , the traditional Grey Predicting Model GM ( 1,1 ) fits the large random volatility of time-series data less effectively .

  3. 7月27日,国际黄金价格一度冲高至每盎司1944.68美元,刷新了2011年9月份创造的每盎司1921.15美元的最高纪录。

    Gold hit $ 1944.68 per ounce on Monday , breaking its previous record high of $ 1921.15 in September 2011 .

  4. 国际黄金价格的小波变换FAR预测模型

    FAR Forecast Model of International Gold Prices Based on Wavelet Analysis

  5. 同样对黄金价格建立ARCH类模型,研究其波动趋势。

    The paper establish ARCH model for gold prices as well , to study its volatility trend .

  6. 至少一家公司已经看到黄金价格的未来:“GoldtoGo”黄金自动售货机提供不同重量的金条。

    At least one company sees promise in gold prices : Gold to Go is a German company that sells automatic teller machines that dispense gold bars .

  7. 就在这位美联储(FED)主席发表讲话数小时之后,每盎司黄金价格重挫近100美元。

    In the hours after the chairman of the Federal Reserve spoke , bullion prices tumbled almost $ 100 an ounce .

  8. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)最近也下调了对黄金价格的预期。

    Morgan Stanley also cut its forecast recently .

  9. 近年来许多国外学者通过对汇率、股票收益率、黄金价格等金融市场实证数据的分析,发现了这些数据所具有的另一种重要的非线性特征&多标度分形(Multifractal)特征。

    Many recent researches with empirical data have demonstrated that financial data has another important nonlinear feature - multifractal .

  10. 著名的美国投资者吉姆•罗杰斯(JimRogers)因其有关黄金价格将跌至每盎司900美元的预测吸引了全世界的注意力。

    Renowned American investor Jim Rogers has attracted global attention with his prediction that gold prices will fall to $ 900 an ounce .

  11. 瑞信(CreditSuisse)最近将其对2012年黄金价格的预期下调了5%,至每金衡盎司1680美元,原因是印度和东南亚对黄块的需求低迷。

    Credit Suisse recently sliced its 2012 outlook for gold by 5 % to $ 1,680 , because of weak demand for physical bullion in India and Southeast Asia .

  12. 黄金价格飙升至每盎司1400美元上方,再创名义价格历史新高。此前世界银行(worldbank)行长罗伯特佐利克(RobertZoellick)表示,主要经济体应考虑以改良版金本位制来指引汇率变动。

    Gold prices surged above $ 1,400 a troy ounce , setting a fresh nominal all-time high after Robert Zoellick , World Bank president , said leading economies should look at a modified global gold standard to guide currency movements .

  13. 上周五,波顿在富达中国特殊情况基金(FidelityChinaSpecialSituations)的第一次股东大会上还表示,上周黄金价格创下每盎司1632.30美元新高之后,他已在削减自己的黄金敞口。

    Speaking on Friday at the first annual general meeting of his fund , Fidelity China Special Situations , Mr Bolton also said he was reducing his exposure to gold after the precious metal hit fresh highs of $ 1, 632.30 an ounce this week .

  14. 随着国际黄金价格屡创新高,中国以美元为主的外汇储备不断增长,加上国内CPI持续高位,黄金作为一种重要的资产保值、增值工具,重新成为研究的热门话题。

    As the international gold price break high record repeatedly , foreign exchange based on dollars continuously increases and CPI in China remain high , gold regarded as a major hedge means become a hot topic again .

  15. 黄金价格周一连续第11个交易日上涨,这是自1980年以来最长的一波上涨。1980年时,油价飙升,亿万富翁亨特兄弟(Hunt)在白银市场的逼空行为推动金价升至创纪录水平。

    Gold was on Monday set to register its 11th consecutive day of gains , the longest run since 1980 , when an oil price spike and the billionaire Hunt brothers ' squeeze in the silver market drove bullion to a record .

  16. 关于黄金价格与经济合理剥采比及露天开采境界三者关系的探讨

    Discussion on the relations , economic stripping ratio and open-pit configuration

  17. 黄金价格常常被看作是通货膨胀的指标。

    Gold prices are often seen as an indicator of inflation .

  18. 当前黄金价格超过了1400美元每盎司。

    The current price is above fourteen hundred dollars an ounce .

  19. 世界黄金价格变动特点及未来趋势

    The change characteristic and future tendency of world gold price

  20. 很多制造商都受到黄金价格上涨的影响。

    Many producers have been affected by rising gold prices .

  21. 黄金价格与经济活动&论中央银行应该增持黄金储备

    Gold Price and Economic Activity-Analysis On Increasing Gold Reserve for Central Bank

  22. 国内外黄金价格的波动性与互动关系研究

    Study on International and Domestic Gold Price 's Volatilities and their Interrelationship

  23. 黄金价格下跌了惊人的29.3%。

    The yellow metal declined a phenomenal 29.3 per cent .

  24. 黄金价格在昨天上涨之后,今天重又回跌。

    The price of gold fell again today following yesterday 's gains .

  25. 现在,未经通胀率校正的黄金价格已经达到创纪录的高度。

    Prices -- uncorrected for inflation -- are now at record highs .

  26. 影响黄金价格因素及应对策略

    Changes in the factors affecting international gold price and countermeasures

  27. 从那时起,黄金价格开始上涨,但并非均衡上涨。

    Since that time , gold prices have grown , but unevenly .

  28. 原因或许是黄金价格升高。

    High gold prices ? ... might be one reason .

  29. 他们说,这可能使得黄金价格在下周初有所下跌。

    They say that may force gold prices lower early next week .

  30. 问:你为何认为黄金价格将持续下跌?

    Why do you think gold prices are going to keep falling ?