
  1. 制度下的和谐&帛书《黄帝四经》形名思想解析

    Harmony Within a System : Form and Name in The Silk-Book Huang-Di-Si-Jing

  2. 本文就旨在对《黄帝四经》做一种思想史的探究。

    This paper seeks to an idea of doing the history of exploration for the Huang Di Si Jing .

  3. 故总的来说,本文只对《黄帝四经》本身做一些探究。

    Therefore , in general , It is only the Huang Di Si Jing itself to do some exploring .

  4. 《鶡冠子》与帛书《黄帝四经》语法、文体比较研究

    A comparative study on the grammer and style in He Kuan tzu and the silk book Huang Di Si Jing

  5. 因此,《黄帝四经》的成书年代与思想渊源也就成了本文所要介绍的内容了。

    Therefore , the era and the source of ideas of the book have become the content to introduce in this article .

  6. 据唐兰等学者的考订,这四篇古帛书就是《汉书·艺文志》所载但久已散佚的《黄帝四经》。

    According to the Textual Research of Tang Lan and other scholars , This four ancient silk books is Huang Di Si Jing .

  7. 着重在于阐述《黄帝四经》的内在逻辑结构,力图揭示四篇帛书中道生法的思维过程。

    It focus on the internal logical structure of the Huang Di Si Jing . It sought to reveal the thought processes of the four silk manuscripts of .