
  1. LV今日还为该表发布了系列广告,在众多全球明星中尤其突出了有“中国贾斯汀·比伯”之称的鹿晗。

    The luxury label released a campaign video for the watch today , featuring China 's Justin Beiber , Luhan , among other global stars .

  2. 备受期待的《功夫熊猫3》是一部中美合拍片,由中美合资企业上海东方梦工厂影业负责制作。鹿晗为该片推出了中英文歌曲MV《海底》。该MV由电影导演许诚毅操刀。

    He released " Deep , " a music video promoting Kung Fu Panda 3 , the much-anticipated U.S. - China co-production from the Oriental DreamWorks joint venture .

  3. 今天的大多数流行偶像,如唐嫣和EXO组合前成员鹿晗,都十分低调且彬彬有礼。

    Today 's popular idols , like Tang and former EXO member Lu Han , are mostly quiet and well-behaved .

  4. 曾是唱片销量突破百万的中韩演唱团体EXO组合中的一员、现在是中国当红流行歌手的鹿晗在上周五晚上,靠在邮筒边拍照,并将照片发到微博上。

    Pop singer Lu Han , once a member of million-selling Chinese-Korean group EXO , posted a snap of himself leaning on the post box on last Friday night .

  5. 鹿晗在北京出生、长大,大学赴韩国留学期间,被星探发掘,成为中韩男团EXO的初始成员之一。

    Born and raised in Beijing , he pursued university studies abroad in South Korea , where he was scouted to become a founding member of South Korean-Chinese boy band EXO .

  6. 2014年10月,鹿晗退出EXO单飞,开始向演艺方向发展,先后主演了《重返20岁》和《我是证人》。

    In October 2014 , Han broke from the group and began a solo career , as well as a transition into film acting , starring in 20 Once Again and The Witness .

  7. 韩庚、鹿晗、陈伟霆都将参与其中。

    The show includes Han Geng , Lu Han and William Chan .

  8. 同时,作为梦工厂动画公司的代言人,鹿晗正在充分发挥他的个人品牌作用。

    Han is also putting his personal brand to work on behalf of DreamWorks Animation .

  9. 鹿晗发微博公开与关晓彤恋情。

    Luhan just announced that he was in a relationship on his personal Weibo account .

  10. 同时她也是鹿晗下一部电影《甜蜜暴击》的女主角。

    Guan Xiaotong is also currently the leading actress in Luhan 's next drama , Sweet Combat .

  11. 迪斯尼影业透露,鹿晗将出任《星球大战:原力觉醒》的中国形象大使。

    Disney revealed that Han had been named the " official ambassador " for Star Wars : The Force Awakens inChina .

  12. 说不定几年后,人们可能会说贾斯汀·比伯是美国的鹿晗呢。

    Give it a few years , and Justin Bieber may come to be known as the U.S. answer to Lu Han .

  13. 她最终偶遇自己的孙子,他是个音乐家(流行歌手鹿晗饰演),于是她开始追求歌唱事业。

    She eventually crosses paths with her grandson , a musician ( the pop singer Lu Han ), and dreams of a singing career .

  14. 随着中国年轻女性在国内电影消费市场的重要性与日俱增,鹿晗对年轻女影迷的吸引力也是迪斯尼选中他的一个关键因素。

    Han 's appeal among young female filmgoers may also have been a decisive factor for Disney , as young Chinese women have emerged as an increasingly vital demographic for movie marketers there .

  15. 在第三季的成员将会于新一季全部回归,他们分别是:AngelaBaby、邓超、李晨、郑恺、陈赫、王祖蓝以及流行歌手鹿晗。

    Cast members for season 3 will all return to this new season , which includes AngelaBaby , Deng Chao , Li Chen , Zheng Kai , Chen He , Wong Cho-lam , as well as pop singer Lu Han .

  16. 据澎湃新闻报道,数千名粉丝跟随鹿晗的脚步,来到了位于上海最繁华的街道的这个邮筒前,开始排队照相。

    Hundreds of fans keen to follow in their idol 's footsteps tracked down the box in question - on one of Shanghai 's busiest roads - and began queuing to have their photos taken with it , popular news website The Paper reports .