
  • 网络ostrich egg
  1. 一枚鸵鸟蛋的体积相当于24枚鸡蛋。

    An ostrich egg is equal in volume to 24 chicken eggs .

  2. “如果袋鼠生的蛋孵出了鸵鸟,那应当说它是一只鸵鸟蛋,而非袋鼠蛋。”

    " If a kangaroo laid an egg from which an ostrich hatched , that would surely be an ostrich egg , not a kangaroo egg . "

  3. 提到繁衍后代,单个鸵鸟蛋的重量能达到1.5KG,世界上最大、最显眼的蛋自然也少不了他们的踪影。

    When they reproduce , they lay eggs that weigh as much as 1.5 kg , and these eggs are some of the largest and most prominent in the world .

  4. 鸵鸟蛋是重要的蛋白来源。

    Ostrich eggs are an important source of protein .

  5. 这个巢中有几个鸵鸟蛋?

    How many ostrich eggs are in this nest ?

  6. 几个世纪以来,人们为了鸵鸟蛋、鸵鸟肉和鸵鸟大大的羽毛而猎杀它们。

    For centuries , ostriches have been hunted for their large eggs , meat and very large feathers .

  7. 利用鸵鸟蛋与中国传统民间艺术相结合,制作工艺精湛,造型别致,设计富有浓郁的民间特色。

    Integrate ostrich eggs with Chinese traditional folk arts , skillfully made in unique formation , designed in powerful folk style .

  8. 羽毛头巾、白珊瑚、打磨光亮的化石、一只残缺的长颈鹿、分类整齐的动物头骨、鸵鸟蛋制成的台灯,凡此种种都让环保爱好者难以接受。

    Feather headdresses , white corals , polished fossils , a partial giraffe , assorted skulls , lamps made of ostrich eggs - all make it difficult for the environmentally correct visitor to embrace .