
  1. 那位舞蹈演员戴着粉色鸵鸟毛制作的头饰。

    The dancer wore a headdress of pink ostrich plumes .

  2. 鸵鸟毛漂白增白及染色工艺的研究

    Study of Blanching , Whitening and Dyeing Technology of Ostrich Feather

  3. 他的马车漆成绿色和银色,马头上顶着鸵鸟毛。

    His coach was green and silver , and the horses wore ostrich feathers .

  4. 他们能把鸵鸟毛弄白吗?

    Can they bleach ostrich feathers ?

  5. 鸵鸟毛服装歌舞服装舞台服装舞蹈服装戏剧服装戏曲服饰舞会鸵鸟毛;

    Ostrich hair clothing the song and dance clothing the stage clothing dance clothing drama clothing drama dress dancing party ostrich hair ;

  6. 《仲夏夜之梦》需要许多色彩鲜艳的仙女头套,这些头套为了显示其蓬松的外观多采用鸵鸟毛和牦牛毛制成。

    A midsummer night 's dream requires brightly coloured fairy wigs which use ostrich feathers and yak hair to provide a fluffy look .

  7. 鸵鸟毛质地柔软,丰满飘逸且手抚摸时的感觉好,是服装工业的上好配料。

    Ostrich hair the quality be soft , plentiful full elegance and hand good , is a clothing industry of best go together with to anticipate .

  8. 还可用于鸵鸟毛清洁区或机械手工作区,吸附散落的碎片和油漆飞溅,方便事后清洗和减少污染源。

    They may also be used in Feather Duster areas and Robot Zones to capture falloff and spills in order to reduce cleanup and prevent dirt seed contamination .

  9. 鸵鸟毛在,歌舞,舞台,舞蹈,戏剧,戏曲,舞会,夜总会,广告公司,星级酒店,夜总会,十分叫好。

    Ostrich Mao , dance , stage , dance , drama , opera , dance , night clubs , advertising companies , star hotels , night clubs , great applause .

  10. 伞布的材料则包括牛仔布、棉布和丝绸,处理后都不透水、不透紫外线,精心裁剪缝纫做成蓬盖,再用蕾丝、缎带、刺绣甚至鸵鸟毛加以装饰。

    Linen , cotton or silk all treated to be impermeable to water and ultraviolet rays are cut and sewn into the canopies , which might be adorned with lace , ribbon , embroidery or even ostrich feathers .