
jī dàn ɡāo
  • sponge cake
  1. 以前,唐人街的莫斯科街(MoscoStreet)上有个女人,她只做鸡蛋糕。

    Once there was a woman on Mosco Street in Chinatown who made nothing but egg cakes , spheres of dough like a waffle 's dimples turned inside out .

  2. 与华夫饼的凹痕正好相反,她的鸡蛋糕是一个个圆圆的突起——外壳微脆,里面黏软,中间裹着一股热气。

    Each had a near-crisp shell and chewy guts , with a puff of steam cradled between .

  3. 丹麦人爱吃鸡蛋糕与甜点,做出了风靡世界的丹麦奶酥。

    The Danish people like egg cakes and desserts , and they have made Danish butter biscuit that is fashionable in the world .

  4. 趁着冒热气赶快吃,你就能体会到鸡蛋糕女士忠实信徒们曾经有过的美妙感觉。

    Eat them quickly , while there 's still a pulse of heat , and you 'll know what the egg-cake lady 's faithful knew .

  5. 调查中还发现,大多老人喜欢吃豆腐、喝豆奶粉等豆制品。36.7%的平邑百岁老人喜欢吃甜食,如糖、饼干鸡蛋糕、桃酥等。

    The survey also shows that most of them enjoy drinking soymilk and eating bean curd and bean products . 36.7 % of them like desserts , such as sugar , cookies , cake , and walnut cake .