
niǎo dàn
  • bird's eggs
  1. 那仆人关上我箱子的门,就离开去找鸟蛋。

    The servant shut the door of my box and went away to look for some bird 's eggs .

  2. 英国最珍贵的种鸟正因为那些狂热而自私的鸟蛋收集者而面临着威胁。

    Britain 's rarest breeding birds are under threat from fanatical and selfish egg collectors .

  3. 她画了四颗鸟蛋,而不是展示出蜂鸟巢中往往只有两颗鸟蛋。

    And instead of showing just the typical pair of eggs in a hummingbird nest , she painted four .

  4. 在田野间,房子四周,谷仓里,树林中,湿地上——到处都有欢爱,歌声,鸟巢和鸟蛋。

    In the fields , around the house , in the barn , in the woods , in the swamp -- everywhere love and songs and nests and eggs .

  5. 鸮鹦鹉妈妈Lisa不小心压碎了鸟蛋,对于Lisa的饲养者来说用尽一切办法拯救雏鸟刻不容缓。

    So when Lisa , the momma bird , accidentally crushed her egg it was vital for her keepers to attempt to save it .

  6. 雌鸟正在雄鸟的看护下孵化鸟蛋。

    A mother was incubating her egg with her mate nearby .

  7. 为了避免饿死,那些迷路的勘探人员吃鸟蛋充饥。

    The lost explorers ate birds'eggs to stave off starvation .

  8. 勇敢站出来,头目,你难道没鸟蛋吗?

    Step up , chief . ain 't you got a pair ?

  9. 那么鸟蛋和幼鸟就会受到威胁。

    Then , the bluebird 's eggs and babies aren 't protected .

  10. 迷途的露营者食鸟蛋以免饿死。

    The lost camper staved off death from hunger by eating birds eggs .

  11. 鹌鹑、各种鸟蛋:3094枚;

    Quail , all kinds of eggs : 3094 ;

  12. 这两只鸟蛋是我从未见过的类型。

    They were a kind that I did not have in my collection .

  13. 它吃掉鸟蛋,然后在鸟巢产下自己的蛋。

    It feasts on bird eggs and lays its own eggs in the nest .

  14. 有时他还会从信天翁的巢里掏鸟蛋。

    Sometimes he took eggs from albatross nests .

  15. 橡树在橡果内沉睡,小鸟在鸟蛋中等待;

    The oak sleeps in the acorn ; the bird waits in the egg ;

  16. 我吃昆虫、蠕虫、青蛙、蛇、老鼠和鸟蛋。

    I eat insects , worms , frogs , snakes , mice and bird eggs .

  17. 这之后的一天,一只鸟蛋出现了。

    Then one day an egg appeared .

  18. 巢里的鸟蛋又多了一只。

    And another egg joins his collection .

  19. 鸟巢和鸟蛋也不惊慌。

    Birds'nests and eggs caused no surprise .

  20. 鸟蛋掉到一堆柴火上,蛋黄随即迸发出黄色的火焰。

    It landed on a pile of firewood where the yellow yolk burst into flames .

  21. 我打算踢烂他的鸟蛋,要是他有的话。

    I managed to boot him where his balls would have been , if he 'd any .

  22. 广东南雄白垩系及恐龙蛋到鸟蛋演化研究

    Cretaceous Strata in Nanxiong Basin of Guangdong and the Evolution from the Dinosaur Egg to the Bird Egg

  23. 在《愤怒的小鸟:太空版》中,天空中伸出一只巨爪,抢走了鸟蛋。

    In Angry Birds Space , a giant claw descends from the sky and kidnaps the birds ' eggs .

  24. 整鸟蛋,经蒸或水煮去壳

    Egg , birds ' , whole , not in shell , cooked by steaming or by boiling in water

  25. 鸟蛋的白蛋白及哺乳动物奶汁中的镉蛋白也都提供生长发育用的营养素。

    The albumin in eggs of birds and the cadmium albumen in milks of mammals both supply nutriments for growth .

  26. 这是鸟蛋孩子都是从这里出生的难道你们不生蛋吗?

    That 's an egg . That 's how our children are born . You guys don 't lay eggs ?

  27. 所有鸟类中,超过九成都是父母双方一同照顾鸟蛋和幼鸟。

    In over 90 percent of all bird species , both parents take care of the eggs and the young birds .

  28. 既然这样,科学家又怎么解释有着显眼纯蓝色的知更鸟蛋呢?

    Given all this , how do scientists explain the fact that robin 's eggs are an eye-catching , unmarked blue ?

  29. 你们快帮我找鸟蛋吧你真的不带道格一起去?

    Now you kids go down there and find my nuts . Sure you don 't want to take Doug ? Hey !

  30. 由于鹦鹉的繁殖力低,一对交配成功的鸟儿通常每年只产下一窝,一到三个鸟蛋。

    Because parrots have low reproductive success , a pair will typically produce only one clutch of two or three eggs a year .