
  1. 早期鸟类化石的发现和鸟类飞行的起源

    Discovery of Early Birds and the Origin of Avian Flight

  2. 河北省中生代鸟类化石的首次发现及意义

    First discovery of Mesozoic bird fossils in Hebei province and its significance

  3. 辽宁凌源中生代鸟类化石一新属

    A new genus of the Mesozoic birds from Lingyuan , Liaoning , China

  4. 朝阳地区鸟类化石的发现与研究

    Discovery and research on the bird fossils in Chaoyang

  5. 中国的中生代鸟类化石

    The Mesozoic birds of China

  6. 河北省丰宁县北部侏罗系义县组底部首次发现鸟类化石。

    Bird fossils were for the first time discovered in the bottom of the Jurassic Yixian Formation in the north of Fengning county , Hebei .

  7. 本文记述了山东临朐山旺组(中新世中期)出产的两件鸟类化石。

    Two fossil birds collected from Shanwang Formation , Middle Miocene ( about fifteen million years ago ), of Linqu , Shandong are here described .

  8. 云南禄丰晚中新世古猿产地的鸟类化石,共计3目、3科、6属、6种,包括2新属4新种。

    The discovery indicates the first record of fossil birds from South China . 3 Orders , 3 Families , 6 Genera , 6 Species including 2 new genera and 4 new species are described in the present paper . They are Anas sp. ;

  9. 他发现一块古代鸟类的化石。

    He found a piece of fossil of an ancient bird .

  10. 此前,世界上最古老的蹼状鸟类足迹化石则是在位于该岛以西180公里处的地方被人们找到的。

    At present Haenam county , 180 kilometers west of the island , has the world 's oldest fossilized webbed bird prints .

  11. 南韩科学家们最近在该国一个岛屿上找到了世界上最为古老的蹼状鸟类足迹化石,据悉这些化石距今已有1.1亿年之久。

    SEOUL ( AFP ) - The world 's oldest fossilized webbed footprints of birds , believed to be110 million years old , have been found on a South Korean island .

  12. 的确,对于树栖生物这一特点是相当有用的,而许多鸟类古生物学家也利用这一特点来确定新挖掘出的鸟类化石是栖息在树上还是生活在地面上。

    Indeed , the trait is so useful for arboreal life that it is used by many avian palaeontologists to decide whether newly excavated species of fossil birds lived in trees or on the ground .