
  • 网络nanxiong basin
  1. 关于南雄盆地K/T界线问题的讨论&与D.A.拉塞尔,D.E.拉塞尔,A.R.斯威特商榷

    Discussion on the problems of k / T Boundary in the Nanxiong Basin

  2. 使用扫描质子微探针及微束PIXE定量分析技术对我国广东南雄盆地晚白垩系地层中的病态恐龙蛋壳化石样品的微米区域内元素成分进行了测定和研究。

    The scanning proton microprobe and micro-PIXE quantitative analysis technique have been used to determine composition and distribution of the trace elements in micron areas of dinosaur eggshell fossils from the stratum of Upper Cretaceous system at Nanxiong Basin in Guangdong Province , China .

  3. 广东南雄盆地晚白垩系古地磁研究

    A paleomagnetic study on Late Cretaceous in Nanxiong basin of Guangdong Province

  4. 粤北南雄盆地末代恐龙遗迹及其他

    The fossil remains of last dinosaur in Nanxiong basin of northern Guangdong

  5. 广东省南雄盆地白垩系&第三系交界恐龙绝灭问题

    Extinction of the dinosaurs across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in Nanxiong basin , Guangdong Province

  6. 南雄盆地白垩纪&古近纪地层研究进展

    New advance in the study of the Cretaceous and Paleogene strata of the Nanxiong Basin

  7. 广东南雄盆地白垩-第三系界线地层岩性特征及环境分析

    The petrographic characters and environmental analysis of the Cretaceous - Tertia - ry Boundary strata at the Nanxiong Basin Guangdong

  8. 南雄盆地中部的紫色土壤,富含磷、钾,是发展优质烟叶生产得天独厚的条件。

    Nanxiong Basin purple soil , rich in phosphorus , potassium , is to develop high-quality tobacco leaf production of unique conditions .

  9. 在厘定南雄盆地和丹霞盆地的岩石地层后,统一提出了一套白垩纪地层单位名称。

    A unified stratigraphic nomenclature for the strata of Nanxiong Basin and Danxia Basin is proposed on the basis of stratigraphic correlation .

  10. 南雄盆地大塘剖面记录有一套白垩系-古近系连续陆相红色岩层,对其研究可以为陆相白垩纪-古近纪气候变化提供有力证据。

    Documented a series of the continuous terrestrial red succession , the Datang profile of the Nanxiong Basin provide lots of materials for researching the climate changes of the continental Cretaceous-Paleogene .

  11. 南雄市境内四周群山环抱,中部丘陵平原,称“南雄红层盆地”,是远古时代恐龙的故乡。

    Nanxiong city surrounded by hills in the central hilly plains , known as " Nanxiong red bed basin " is the ancient home of dinosaurs .