- 网络boris;Boris Johnson;Boris Vallejo

He and his friend Boris were unsuccessful in getting a job .
Boris is falling behind all the top players .
Clambering over sackfuls of lemons , Boris tried to find a way out .
You should have seen Boris 's face when Hugh tapped him on the shoulder . Talk about surprise !
' We 're not blaming you , ' Kate said . ' Speak for yourself , ' Boris muttered .
Boris Johnson has a talent for carefully calculated imprudence .
I mean , of course , the vice-chancellor of the University of Cambridge , Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz .
This week Boris Johnson , mayor of London , has been banging his drum in New York .
Boris Johnson , the present mayor , says he too wants power shifted from Westminster to City Hall .
Anyone who wants to know whether we should leave the EU should speak to Boris .
For Boris Johnson , London 's mayor , Conservative parliamentary candidate and pretender to the Tory leadership , it is worse than this .
This is true , but the attire gender gap is closing - last week the FT ran an entire article on Boris Johnson 's backpack .
And on this occasion , there was an element beyond the control of either the IOC or the Chinese : Boris Johnson , mayor of London .
Anna Kozlov had only been a newlywed for three days when she bid her husband Boris adieu .
But I know Archbishop Justin Welby and Mayor Boris Johnson well enough to guess that neither is a stranger to insecurity .
Boris Johnson , London mayor , has proposed a new " London visa " which would make it easier for talented tech experts and fashion designers around the world to get jobs in the capital .
Wanda has signed up to London mayor Boris Johnson 's initiative asking developers to market their homes to Londoners first , before offering them to buyers abroad .
With the selection of Mr Putin , a former KGB colonel , as his successor , Boris Yeltsin delivered that outcome .
Second , Boris Johnson , London 's mayor , is trying to cut the capital 's air pollution by insisting that its taxis produce zero emissions by 2018 .
The result is " inside the Beltway " reporting that fixates on Boris Johnson 's position on Brexit instead of venturing into the hinterland to see what voters think .
Boris Johnson 's first trip to Brussels as foreign secretary almost ended at Luton airport , with hydraulic fluid pouring on to the runway and firefighters surrounding the aircraft .
The foreigners included Boris Johnson , London mayor ; Lord Mandelson , former UK cabinet minister ; Lord Skidelsky , the biographer of John Maynard Keynes ; and many more .
When London mayor Boris Johnson and George Osborne , chancellor of the exchequer , travelled together to Beijing in October , Mr James 's dealership was centre stage at an exhibition of British industry .
Boris Johnson , London mayor , has proposed a new London visa which would make it easier for talented tech experts and fashion designers around the world to get jobs in the capital .
London mayor Boris Johnson has warned of the insanity of overzealous policing of Olympic brands as organisers step up efforts to banish the unauthorised use of words and images associated with the games .
There , he caught the eye of Boris Yeltsin , Russia 's first democratically elected president , who appointed him governor of Nizhny Novgorod the following year .
The warning came as Boris Johnson and Michael Gove , the Brexit camp 's most senior figures , launched a personal attack on the prime minister over his failure to control immigration .
Improving London 's transport infrastructure should be the top priority for the new mayor , said the survey , with 94 per cent calling on Boris Johnson to improve public transport and cut congestion .
Barring an unforeseen breakthrough , the news marks the end of the grandiose proposal - launched with great fanfare by London major Boris Johnson a year and half ago - to rebuild the glass structure that hosted the Great Exhibition of 1851 .
London mayor Boris Johnson has warned of the " insanity " of overzealous policing of Olympic brands as organisers step up efforts to banish the unauthorised use of words and images associated with the games .