
  • 网络beto;Andre Berto
  1. 贝托是WBC次中量级拳王。

    Berto is the WBC welterweight titleholder .

  2. 贝托.奥.罗尔科,德克萨斯州前国会议员,民主党总统的竞选人,称NBA对华道歉着实令人尴尬。

    Beto O'Rourke , a Democratic contender for president and former congressman from Texas , called the NBA 's apology to China an " embarrassment . "

  3. 在贝托谢姆看来,云技术对新公司,如他最新投资的Arista网络公司是大势所趋。

    As Bechtolsheim sees it , the cloud is a foregone conclusion for new companies such as his latest venture , Arista Networks .

  4. 吉尔贝托甚至能给鳄鱼下达命令,鳄鱼会顺从地完成他的指令。

    Gilberto even gives the animal commands , which it follows .

  5. 5年前,吉尔贝托发现了这只鳄鱼,当时这只鳄鱼被农夫用枪打伤了。

    Gilberto took the crocodile in five years ago after it had been shot by a farmer .

  6. 在哥斯大黎加利蒙市,吉尔贝托和他的鳄鱼正在进行一场表演,吉尔贝托对鳄鱼很温柔。

    Gilberto tamed the crocodile so well they put on a regular show in the Costa Rican city of Limon .

  7. 贝托在巴黎狂欢节前,每天11点开始工作,他的任务就是在最美的女人身上画画。

    The Brazilian goes to work at11am each day and spends his time painting the bodies of some of the carnival 's most beautiful women .