
  • Baubie【女子名】&L【Barbara】的昵称
  1. 老友记,看'让我们杀死鲍比Z均!

    Buddy , watch'Let 's kill Bobby Z ' !

  2. 通勤的可预见性对于鲍比・布兰卡奇奥(BobbyBrancazio)来说十分重要——具体而言价值每月174美元(约合人民币1067元)。

    Predictability is worth a lot to Bobby Brancazio when he commutes -- $ 174 a month , to be exact .

  3. 他们的移动性也更高,比如在英国接受教育、曾因公益工作获奖的律师鲍比•肯萨(BobbyKensah),目前生活在香港,法国反种族主义者罗哈亚•迪亚洛(RokhayaDiallo)那天也到场了。

    They were more mobile too , including Bobby Kensah , a UK-trained lawyer with an award for his pro bono work , who now lives in Hong Kong , and Rokhaya Diallo , a French anti-racism campaigner who popped over for the day .

  4. 对,鲍比一定让你感到骄傲。

    Yeah , Bobby said you weren 't feeling too good .

  5. 鲍比:当然是既有钱又有名气的!

    Bobby : A rich and famous one , of course !

  6. 鲍比住在尼维斯附近,今年秋天开始上学前班。

    Bobby , of nearby Nevis , starts preschool this fall .

  7. 鲍比去年当选时才三岁。

    Bobby was only 3 when he won election last year .

  8. 凯莉:那可真是个好主意,鲍比。

    Kelly : that 's a really sweet idea , bobby .

  9. 鲍比:我需要给我的电子吉他买几根新弦。

    Bobby : I need some new strings for my axe .

  10. 鲍比:玛吉,能请你过来一下吗?

    Bobby : Marge , can you come in here please ?

  11. 凯莉:噢,鲍比!你有时候可真戏剧化。

    Kelly : oh bobby ! You are too dramatic sometimes .

  12. 鲍比和杰拉德为领先而决斗。

    Bobby and Girard are dueling each other for the lead .

  13. 还真够牧师的作风。你的心在说什么,鲍比?

    Typical priest . What 's your heart saying , Bobby ?

  14. 鲍比:我想要你解雇那些胖子。

    Bobby : I want you to fire the fat people .

  15. 而鲍比,却不一样,和他在一起,她可以释放真正的自己。

    Bobby , by contrast , she could be real with .

  16. 他们是凯德、爱伦、鲍比和大卫。

    Ada : They are Cade , Ellen , Bobby and David .

  17. 你为什么跟鲍比夏普那样的男生混在一起?

    What are you doing hanging around a boy like Bobby sharp ?

  18. 鲍比因行为不端被学校遣送回家。

    Bobby was sent home from school for bad behaviour .

  19. “别松劲呀,鲍比”他爸爸急得直嚷。

    " Don 't let up , Bobby ," his father shouts .

  20. 鲍比:现在的音乐听起来样。

    Bobby : These days music sounds all the same .

  21. 鲍比:我喜欢圣诞节和新年季节。

    Bobby : I just love the Xmas and New Year season .

  22. 他叫什么名字?叫鲍比什么的吧?

    What 's his name ? Bobby something , isn 't it ?

  23. 你的眼睛怎么了,鲍比?

    So , what happened to your eye , Bobby ?

  24. 鲍比:哦,我都忘了迪斯科(音乐)了。

    Bobby : oh . I had forgotten about disco .

  25. 鲍比,雪茄拿来。

    Bobby , my cigar . Bobby : Right here .

  26. 鲍比今天晚上在非常认真地做功课。

    Bobby is going about his homework very seriously tonight .

  27. 鲍比:也许在点上你是对的。

    Bobby : Maybe you are right on that point .

  28. 她说鲍比夏普在矿场里打了她。

    She said Bobby sharp attacked her at the mine .

  29. 超级烦恼闪电或鲍比根本就没见他超车

    A huge upset . Even lightning or Bobby never saw him coming

  30. 鲍比天生是兔唇和裂腭。

    Bobby was born with a cleft lip and a cleft palate .