
  • 网络Lushan County
  1. 鲁山县荒山资源开发利用初探

    The Exploitation and Utilization of Unused Mountain Resources in Lushan County

  2. 鲁山县水土保持综合治理开发途径研究

    Comprehensive Control and Developing Approaches of Soil and Water Conservation in Lushan County

  3. 鲁山县1990~2001年居民死亡原因动态分析

    Dynamic analysis of death causes among inhabitants in lushan County , from 1990 to 2001

  4. 鲁山县柿树品种资源调查研究

    The studies on the persimmon variety resources

  5. 河南鲁山县泥石流灾害特征及防治建议

    Mudslide disaster characteristic and its prevention and cure suggestion in Lushan county , henan Province

  6. 鲁山县水土流失形成机制及防治对策

    The formation mechanism and Countermeasure of prevention and control for the soil erosion in Lushan County

  7. 河南省鲁山县是1990年国家确定的特别贫困县。

    Lushan county of Henan province is a special national poverty county determined by the central government in1990 .

  8. 等发现于河南西部鲁山县和汝阳县的汝阳群云梦山组和北大尖组。

    The Precambrian trace fossils described in this paper were found in the Yunmengshan and Beidajian Formation of the Ruyang Group of Lushan and Ruyang , western Henan province .

  9. 鲁山县生态环境存在的问题为:(1)水土流失严重;(2)自然灾害频繁水利设施遭破坏;(3)水资源短缺。

    Lu shan County ecological environment existence question is : ( 1 ) the soil erosion is serious ; ( 2 ) the natural disaster frequent water conservancy facilities suffers the destruction ; ( 3 ) the water resources is short . 2 .