
  • 网络Weir;fish weir;Fishing weir
鱼梁 [yú liáng]
  • [weir] 筑堰拦水捕鱼的一种设施:用木桩、柴枝或编网等制成篱笆或栅栏,置于河流、潮水河中或出海口处

  1. 鱼梁航运枢纽鱼道及鱼类增殖保护站设计浅述

    A Brief Discussion on Designing the Fishway and Fish Repro-duction Station in Weir Maritime Hub

  2. 在这山谷的平原上河流呈网状,其密有如大理石上的纹。大河小溪上都横跨着鱼梁,它们通常是以木桩栅、网或篮篓作成的。

    The rivers and brooks reticulated the broad plains of the valley , as thickly as veins in marble . Across the rivers great and small stretched the fish weirs , usually made of stakes and nets or basketwork .

  3. 大河小溪上都横跨着鱼梁,它们通常是以木桩栅、网或篮篓作成的。大部分的旅途中我都转过头看后面的鱼,看着它们在篮筐里扑腾。

    Across the rivers great and small stretched the fish weirs , usually made of stakes and nets or basketwork . I passed much of the trip looking back at the fish as they sloshed around in their baskets .