
  • 网络The Magic Mountain;Kill Devil Hills;The Hills Have Eyes;Der Zauberberg
  1. 你们的魔山抢走了我的庄稼,然后把所有搬不走的东西全部烧毁。

    Your Mountain stole my harvest and burned everything he could not carry off .

  2. 外号“魔山”的格雷果·克里冈爵士以山崩之势轰隆隆地经过他们面前。

    Ser Gregor Clegane , the Mountain That Rides , thundered past them like an avalanche .

  3. 人称魔山.

    They call him the Mountain .

  4. 是啊,就像是《权利的游戏》里魔山大战红毒蛇那样。

    Yeah , it 's also like when the Mountain fought the Red Viper in Game of Thrones .

  5. 只用他的剑挥了一下.听着象我们认识的某个人.魔山.

    with a single swing of his sword . That sounds like someone we know . The Mountain .

  6. 其中一个回答就是魔山盲人休闲营区。在那里,我和我的护士朋友每年都有幸看到失明的孩子们在大自然的怀抱中是多么生气勃勃。

    One of the answers was Enchanted Hills , where my nurse friend and I have the privilege of seeing blind children come alive in Gods out-of-doors .

  7. “魔山”无声地愤怒转身,使尽他惊人的力气狠命攻击,但猎狗接下这招,卸开攻势。其后不知有多长时间,他们两个就站在那里你来我往,余人则赶紧搀扶头晕目眩的洛拉斯·提利尔到安全的地方。

    The Mountain pivoted in wordless fury , swinging his longsword in a killing arc with all his massive strength behind it , but the Hound caught the blow and turned it , and for what seemed an eternity the two brothers stood hammering at each other as a dazed Loras Tyrell was helped to safety .