- 名high-energy physics

The article analyses contemporary America sociologist Andrew Pickering 's work of social study on the history of High-Energy Physics ( HEP ) during 1960-1970 's.
The success of China 's first high-energy accelerator Beijing electron-positron collider evoked strong repercussion in domestic science and technology circles and also created a stir in the international high-energy physics .
The view back then ' was like seeing a person in a fog ─ you knew there was a person there but you weren 't sure who it was , ' said Andy Parker , a professor of high energy physics at the University of Cambridge who is involved in the CERN experiments .
They consider isotopes of great value for the study of high energy physics .
( high energy physics ) the kinds of quarks . classify poetry psychologically .
Based on experimental high-energy physics-based disciplines .
For regular readers of the New England Journal of High Energy Physics , I need no introduction .
The development of the high energy physics is the result of pervasion and effect between theory and experiment each other .
The paradox of this virtualization of capitalism is ultimately the same as that of the electron in elementary particle physics .
Hepap reports to the US Department of Energy and is the highest panel in the US making recommendations on future particle physics projects .
As the examples , two typical research fields , high-energy Astrophysics physics and nuclear analysis , are discussed to research the database construction for high-energy physics .
Although the systems studied in condensed matter physics , nuclear physics and high energy physics are quite different , many of the underlying basic concepts have much in common .
Intensity interferometry technique is not only a kind of mature mean that analyses the high energy heavy ion collisions physics , but also an important tool to study the space-time feature for particle-emitting source .
The Status of Very High Energy and Ultra High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy Observation