
  • 网络Senior Economist
  1. CoreLogic公司的高级经济师莫莉·贝泽尔表示。

    Molly Boesel is a senior economist at Core Logic .

  2. 美国农业部高级经济师弗雷德-盖尔(FredGale)表示:中国大米进口在很大程度上是一种政策驱动现象。

    Chinas rice imports are largely a policy-driven phenomenon , says Fred Gale , senior economist at USDA .

  3. 世行高级经济师RobChase说,社区推动的发展(CDD)可以使社区团体控制计划决策和投资资源。

    Community Driven Development ( CDD ) gives community groups control over planning decisions and investment resources for development .

  4. “我没有看到任何一个总统为房产市场负责”StevenBlitz说,一个纽约的ITG投资研究公司的高级经济师,联邦政府和国家防政策在地方水平上有一个限制性的影响。

    The federal government and national housing policies have a limited impact on a local level .

  5. 世界银行资深养老金问题高级经济师RobertPalacios解释说,另一个不利于改革的因素是,养老金承诺根本不体现在财政账户中。

    An added disincentive is the fact that these pension promises don 't appear anywhere in fiscal accounts , explains Robert Palacios , a World Bank senior economist who specializes in pensions .

  6. 他在1994年加入滙丰集团,出任高级经济师。

    He joined HSBC as senior economist in1994 .

  7. 然而,亚洲开发银行高级经济师李钟和警告说,持久性的经济复苏仍依赖于主要工业大国。

    Still , senior ADB economist Jong-Wha Lee warns a sustainable economic recovery still depends on the fate of major industrial powers .

  8. 1987年于西南交通大学工程管理专业毕业,2006年于中央党校经济学专业毕业,研究生学历,高级经济师。

    He graduated from Southwest Jiaotong University majoring project management in1987 and from Party School of the CPC with the Master degree of economy in2006 .

  9. 大宗商品交易价格将持续高波动&访高盛执行董事兼高级商品经济师詹姆斯·古特曼

    Staple Commodities ' Trading Prices will continue to Fluctuate