
After WTO entry , the export of a part of agricultural products decreases because of green barrier and lost international market .
Lanhai International Golf Community invites all talents who have passion to devote to high-end International Community , welcome to join us forgecostly top international golf community in Shanghai .
Product Maintenance : To Carry out international repair business with high added value and high-tech content for high-end products .
But because of the stereotyped image of the cheapness and poor quality of the Chinese product , our country outstanding apparel brand is hard to launch on the high-end foreign market .
Cadillac has labored mightily to raise its game to international standards -- and nearly gets there with its high-performance V-series -- but will need to execute at this level for another couple of decades before being taken seriously .
European top ceramics become popular in the international market
According to the problems and obstacles , the ways of undertaking high-end manufacturing international industrial transfer to promote the upgrade Chinese producer service industry were advised .
No matter noble and polite treat , or supreme and good beauty , a beautiful song full of European style , Tiyi wooden doors'international fashionable elements in high-level design .
All the new builds are high-end and expensive and marketed to international students , said Colum McGuire , vice president for welfare for the National Union of Students .
Top Soybean Products to Cope with International Soybean Crisis
In addition , Dynasty is faced with the competition from international brand in the middling and high level market .
In flourishing cities , namely Beijing and Shanghai , high-end fashion market has been occupied by international brands , and they have penetrated into the mid-end and low-end market rapidly .
The high-end service is the core of an international shipping center to maintain its competitive edge , including Singapore , Hong Kong , which are the traditional freight service-based shipping center also take an active part to the maritime service industry .