
  1. 加入WTO之后,因绿色壁垒中国部分农产品出口下降,失去了高端国际市场。

    After WTO entry , the export of a part of agricultural products decreases because of green barrier and lost international market .

  2. 在此,览海国际高尔夫社区诚邀有志于在高端国际社区工作的各方人才,加入我们的团队,共同打造上海奢华顶端国际高尔夫社区!

    Lanhai International Golf Community invites all talents who have passion to devote to high-end International Community , welcome to join us forgecostly top international golf community in Shanghai .

  3. 产品维修:开展高附加值、高技术含量的高端产品国际维修业务;

    Product Maintenance : To Carry out international repair business with high added value and high-tech content for high-end products .

  4. 但中国产品廉价低质的刻板印象阻碍了我国优秀服装品牌走上中高端的国际市场。

    But because of the stereotyped image of the cheapness and poor quality of the Chinese product , our country outstanding apparel brand is hard to launch on the high-end foreign market .

  5. 凯迪拉克(Cadillac)凭借高性能的V系列车型几乎已经达到了高端车的国际标准,但是它必须在这个水平上再保持几十年,人们才会真正拿它当回事。

    Cadillac has labored mightily to raise its game to international standards -- and nearly gets there with its high-performance V-series -- but will need to execute at this level for another couple of decades before being taken seriously .

  6. 欧洲高端瓷器走俏国际市场

    European top ceramics become popular in the international market

  7. 并就目前存在的问题与障碍,提出了促进承接高端制造业国际产业转移,加速中国生产性服务业升级的解决办法。

    According to the problems and obstacles , the ways of undertaking high-end manufacturing international industrial transfer to promote the upgrade Chinese producer service industry were advised .

  8. 无论是贵族的礼遇,还是尚品的华丽,一曲曼妙至极的欧式风情演绎者,天一木门高端设计的国际流行元素。

    No matter noble and polite treat , or supreme and good beauty , a beautiful song full of European style , Tiyi wooden doors'international fashionable elements in high-level design .

  9. 所有的新建筑都是高端昂贵并且面向国际学生的,全国学生联合会(NationalUnionofStudents)负责福利的副主席科勒姆·麦圭尔(ColumMcGuire)说。

    All the new builds are high-end and expensive and marketed to international students , said Colum McGuire , vice president for welfare for the National Union of Students .

  10. 发展高端大豆产品应对国际大豆危机

    Top Soybean Products to Cope with International Soybean Crisis

  11. 另外,王朝公司所在的中高端市场正在面临国际洋品牌的竞争。

    In addition , Dynasty is faced with the competition from international brand in the middling and high level market .

  12. 在北京和上海等经济发达的中心城市,不仅高端时装市场为国际品牌所占据,而且国际知名品牌也已经开始向中高端,甚至终端服装市场快速渗透。

    In flourishing cities , namely Beijing and Shanghai , high-end fashion market has been occupied by international brands , and they have penetrated into the mid-end and low-end market rapidly .

  13. 高端服务业是国际航运中心保持核心竞争力的关键,包括新加坡、香港等传统以货运服务为主的航运中心也在积极投身到航运衍生服务业的发展中。

    The high-end service is the core of an international shipping center to maintain its competitive edge , including Singapore , Hong Kong , which are the traditional freight service-based shipping center also take an active part to the maritime service industry .