
  • 网络premium car
  1. 今年以来,宝马股价涨幅已超过33%,因为投资者愈发相信新兴市场高档车畅销态势可以持续下去。

    BMW shares have gained more than 33 per cent this year as investor faith in the durability of booming emerging market premium car sales has grown .

  2. 因为富人日渐增多,中国和印度等新兴市场的高档车市场尤其被寄予厚望。

    The premium car market is seen as particularly promising in China and other emerging markets , like India , because of the rising number of wealthy people .

  3. 通用汽车公司和福特公司都认为它们需要用更有气派的品牌名称销售高档车。

    Both GM and Ford believe they need classier brand names to sell upmarket cars .

  4. 福特汽车(fordmotor)正在考虑出售旗下的沃尔沃汽车(volvo)业务,此举将标志其北美市场以外的高档车业务彻底解体。

    Ford motor is considering the sale of its Volvo car division , a move that would mark the final dismemberment of its premium-car business outside North America .

  5. 金融危机之后,高档车和运动型多功能车(suv)的销量比“量产”品牌汽车下跌幅度更大。

    Sales of premium cars and SUVs fell more steeply than " volume " brands after the financial crisis .

  6. 但豪车服务在高档车里还提供WiFi和报纸或许能在中国租车市场的顶层消费者中间流行起来。

    But the luxury-car service , which offers WiFi and newspapers in the high-end cars , may yet catch on among the top segment of the market .

  7. 分析师主张,沃尔沃规模不够大,无法与奥迪、宝马(bmw)和梅赛德斯等品牌竞争,其品牌地位也不及其他主要高档车制造商。

    Analysts argue that Volvo lacks sufficient scale to compete with the likes of Audi , BMW and Mercedes and also has a brand that is some way below the leading premium carmakers .

  8. 然而,外国汽车制造商依然坚信,高档车和SUV等高端市场的需求将继续以远高于行业平均水平的速度增长。

    Foreign automakers , however , remain confident that demand in higher-end segments , such as premium cars and SUVs , will continue to grow at rates far above the industry average .

  9. 运动型多功能车(SUV)销量激增,加上中国对德国高档车的强劲需求,帮助保时捷(Porsche)今年上半年的营业利润录得59%的增长。

    Surging sales of sports utility vehicles and strong Chinese demand for German premium cars helped Porsche register a 59 per cent increase in operating profit in the first six months of the year .

  10. 过去11年来,雷克萨斯在美国的高档车市场一直处于龙头位置,但在今年前三个月落后于梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)和宝马(BMW)。

    Lexus has held the number-one spot in the US luxury - vehicle market for the past 11 years , but fell behind both Mercedes-Benz and BMW in the first three months of this year .

  11. 西方汽车制造商日趋针对中国市场调整汽车的设计。比如,宝马(BMW)将发布畅销的3系车型的长轴距版,这是专门面向中国市场开发的,因为这里有许多高档车是由专职司机驾驶的。

    Western carmakers are increasingly adapting their cars for the Chinese market : BMW , for example , will launch a long-wheelbase version of its ever-popular 3 series especially for the China market where many cars are chauffeur driven .

  12. 宝马目前仍落后于大众(Volkswagen)旗下的奥迪(Audi),后者在华起步较早,但在中国高档车市场上,宝马一直领先于戴姆勒旗下的梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)。

    While still trailing Volkswagen unit Audi , which got off to an earlier start in China , BMW has long enjoyed a comfortable lead over Daimler 's Mercedes-Benz division in China 's market for premium sedans .

  13. 瞄准高端市场今年7月,快的打车宣布将购买一批高档车——宝马5系和奥迪A6轿车,以补充其便宜、便捷的叫车应用。要效仿的目标是总部位于旧金山的租车应用优步(Uber)。

    In July , Kuadi Dache announced that it would be buying a fleet of luxury cars - BMW 5 series sedans and Audi A6 " s - to complement its cheap and convenient taxi-hailing app , writes Charles Clover .

  14. PAO基础油因其优越的黏温性、低温流动性及高的氧化安定性等,因而可作为高档车用油、航天航空用油等的基础油使用。

    PAO base oil can be used as high-grade lubricant base oil because of its superior viscosity-temperature resistance , low-temperature fluidity and high oxidation stability . For example , it can be used as high-grade oil in the car , aerospace oil and so on .

  15. 高档车市场跌得越狠,反弹得就越猛。

    The harder they fall , the higher they bounce .

  16. 中国移民推动加拿大高档车市场。

    Asian buyers see bargains in luxury car market .

  17. GN-300:三方面提升高档车导航服务

    Aspects promote the upscale vehicle navigation service

  18. 今年的洛杉矶车展还将是豪华车和高档车的发布地。

    This year , LA also came on strongly as the place to reveal luxury and premium vehicles .

  19. 中国人对高档车的需求飙升,首先满足他们的需求对高档汽车制造商而言十分关键。

    Demand for premium cars is soaring in China , making it crucial for luxury carmakers to satisfy them first .

  20. 外国汽车公司将被压缩到高档车市场,甚至一部分公司最终可能会被淘汰出局。

    Foreign companies will be pushed to the upscale end of the market , and some may be driven out eventually .

  21. 而这种转变来自于三个因素:第一,近年来,由于廉价信贷,尤其是租赁融资及房贷套现的蓬勃发展使得人们倾向于购买高档车。

    First , cheap credit , especially lease finance , and home-equity withdrawal let people buy more expensive cars in recent years .

  22. 与其它德国高档车一样,保时捷之所以能获得如此丰厚的利润,要归功于新兴市场尤其是中国的经济繁荣。

    Like other German premium carmakers , Porsche is enjoying bumper profits thanks to a boom in emerging markets , particularly China .

  23. 与整个汽车市场的形势相仿,高档车市场颇为令人担忧的地方在欧洲:2012年,欧洲高档车销量很可能下降。

    As with the car market generally , the big worry is Europe , where sales of premium vehicles will probably dip in 2012 .

  24. 奥迪和保时捷是该公司的主要收入来源,因为高档车的利润空间要大得多。

    Audi and Porsche are the source of most of the company 's earnings , because profit margins tend to be much higher on luxury cars .

  25. 各地为解决交通拥堵和污染问题而出台的汽车限购措施使得人们花大价钱才能获得新牌照,这也刺激了外国车企的销售,因为现有的牌照持有人会去买高档车。

    Even now , limits on expensive new licence plates to combat congestion and pollution are spurring their sales , as existing plate holders trade up .

  26. 目前汽车发动机使用的隔振装置多为被动式橡胶隔振块,中高档车则采用被动式液压悬置。

    The most of isolators which are used for automobile engine are passive rubber mount , while the passive hydraulic isolator is applied for top grade car .

  27. 但随着形势的发展,外部环境发生了很大变化,高档车份额逐步下滑,目前不足10%。

    With the situation developing , the external environments changes Greatly . Joint Ventures ' market share of the high-grade motorcycles is descending , at present it 's not more than 10 % .

  28. 但是英菲尼迪目前正在努力成为高档车市场中的一个主要角色,同时它计划在未来几年内推出几款全新车型以扩大产品阵容。

    However , Infiniti is working hard to become a major player in the premium segment as well , and is planning to launch several all-new models in coming years to expand its range .

  29. 电动天窗、高级真皮座椅等配置以及独有的雨量感应式雨刷等高档车配备,闪烁人性化魅力。

    Features such as the electronic sun roof and high quality leather seats , as well as high class car fixtures like its unique rain sensor wipers exude the charm of human touch in the Epica .

  30. 京晶:是的,没有太多发动机的噪音或者路噪马克:有人说,从没车到有车总好过从一辆便宜车换到高档车。

    Yeah , there 's not much engine or road noise . Mark : Some people say it 's more of an improvement to have a car than it is to go from a cheap car to an expensive one .