
  • 网络Efficient agriculture;high efficiency agriculture
  1. 节肥节药低耗高效农业技术;

    Economy fertilizer , pesticide and high efficiency agriculture technology ;

  2. 农业综合体,农工联合企业农业综合开发与高效农业结合的思考

    Reflections on the Combination of Comprehensive Agricultural Development and High Efficiency Agriculture

  3. 3S技术在海南热带高效农业中的应用

    Application of 3S in the high-effective tropic agriculture of Hainan

  4. 本文主要采用Delphi法与AHP法相结合的综合评价方法及人工神经网络方法对牡丹江市持续高效农业示范区的可持续性进行评价。

    Research on the sustainable and high benefic agricultural demonstration garden in Mudanjiang The method of appraisal in this article is Delphi method combining with AHP method and Artificial Nerve Net method .

  5. 江苏省现代高效农业发展目标与模式研究

    Development Goal and Pattern of Modern High-efficiency Agriculture in Jiangsu Province

  6. 长武试验示范区高效农业生态经济系统研究

    Study on High-efficiency Agro-ecology Economic System in Changwu Experimental Demonstration Region

  7. 持续高效农业示范区综合评价指标体系研究

    Integrated evaluation index system of sustainable and efficient agriculture demonstration counties

  8. 市场机制与高产优质高效农业

    The Market Mechanism And High Yield Good Quality High Benefit Agriculture

  9. 设施农业与中国高效农业建设

    Installation Agriculture and China 's High - efficiency Agricultural Construction

  10. 黑龙江省牡丹江持续高效农业示范区开发研究

    Research on the sustainable and high benefic agricultural demonstration garden in Mudanjiang

  11. 节水高效农业发展重大措施的探讨

    Discussion on important measures for water-saving and efficient agriculture development

  12. 工程塑料在工厂化高效农业工程中的应用

    The Application of Engineering Plastics for High Efficiency Factory Farm

  13. 涝渍地种植制度与高效农业模式研究

    Plantation system in relation with high effective agricultural model in waterlogged land

  14. 高产优质高效农业的特征、目标与原理

    Characters , goals and principles of high-yield , high-quality and high-efficiency agriculture

  15. 小流域持续高效农业产业结构优化调控模型

    The optimal model of agricultural production structure in small watershed

  16. 以色列节水高效农业简介

    Agriculture of Water Saving and High Efficient Use in Israel

  17. 高产优质高效农业必须走综合发展之路

    Comprehensive Development is the Only Way out for High-yield Fine-quality High-efficiency Agriculture

  18. 甘肃省集水高效农业研究

    Research on Catchment Agriculture in Gansu Prov in ce

  19. 降雨聚集条件下节水高效农业综合技术

    Comprehensive Techniques of Developing Water Saving and High Efficient Agriculture under Rainfall Harvest

  20. 以花生为主体作物的立体种植高效农业配置

    A stereoscopic cropping combination with peanut as main part for high agricultural efficiency

  21. 发展高产优质高效农业浅见

    My Superficial View on Development of the High-yield , Good-quality and High-benefit Agriculture

  22. 合理利用农业资源,发展高产优质高效农业

    Using agricultural resources rationally and developing the high-yield , high-quality and high-efficiency agriculture

  23. 立体高效农业模式;

    Multiple storey and high efficiency agriculture pattern ;

  24. 节水高产高效农业技术;

    Economy irrigate and high yield agriculture technology ;

  25. 扬州丘陵地区高效农业发展评价与对策

    Evaluation and Developmental Countermeasures on High-efficiency Agriculture in the Hilly Region of Yangzhou City

  26. 海南农垦新兴高效农业与经济作物生产营销海南农垦企业入世后管理面临的问题及其思考

    Management Problems of Hainan State Farms after China 's Entry into WTO and Countermeasures

  27. 以市场为导向,大力发展优质、高效农业生产;

    Market-oriented , develop high-quality , high-efficient agricultural production in a more cost-effective manner ;

  28. 发展节水高效农业,成为中国农业发展的必然抉择。

    Developing water-saving and efficient agriculture is the necessary choice of Chinese agricultural development .

  29. 系列植保机械产品是高效农业植保的理想机械。

    Plant protection products are ideal to effectively and efficiently protect plants in agriculture .

  30. 设施农业是高效农业,在国内的推广面积不断扩大。

    Installment agriculture is the high-efficiency agriculture , the promotion area is expanding unceasingly .