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gāo gàn
  • senior cadre;high tree
高干 [gāo gàn]
  • (1) [senior cadre]∶高级干部的简缩

  • 高干住宅区

  • (2) [high tree]∶高大的枝干

高干[gāo gàn]
  1. 所有的MBA高干都应该在最初入职的3个月里管好自己的嘴巴,不要去解决任何事。

    All hotshot MBAs should wear tape over their mouths for the first 3 months on the job and not be allowed to fix anything .

  2. 培育泡桐高干良材(主干高6.0m以上)是泡桐研究的主要课题之一。

    One of major subject is to cultivate high trunk and superior timber ( main trunk height over 6.0m ) .

  3. 与产量损失率呈极显著S型生长曲线正相关,杂草防除经济阈值为株高干重积102.1mgm-2(混合密度为15~20株/m2);危害临界期为小麦拔节前。

    A simulated equation of weeds to wheat yield loss was established in this paper . The economic threshold for weed control was 102.1 m · g · m - 2 of the product of height and dry weight ( 15-20 plants / m 2 weed density ) .

  4. 比较结果表明:我国高速试验线30m以上的长波不平顺与德国低干扰谱相当,而30m以下的不平顺与德国高干扰谱基本一致;

    The results show that the track irregularities of the Chinese high speed test line correspond with the German high speed low disturbance line during wavelength above 30 m , and correspond with the German high speed high disturbance line during wavelength under 30 m.

  5. 同济医院高干高知病房楼建筑设计

    Design of High-class Cadre and Intellectual Sickroom Building in Tongji Hospital

  6. 低能耗高干度污泥脱水离心机

    Sludge Dewatering Centrifuge with Low Energy Consumption and High Dryness

  7. 而活性污泥无害化和资源化的前提是经济高效的污泥高干度脱水。

    The premise of innocuity treatment and resources utilization is economical and effective sludge dewatering .

  8. 富士苹果高干开心形光照分布与产量品质的关系研究

    Relationships between Distribution of Relative Light Intensity and Yield and Quality in Different Tree Canopy Shapes for'Fuji'Apple

  9. 该方法的研究为污泥高干度脱水提供了一种新方法。

    The method of dewatering the sludge senior cadres of the degree provides a new way in the following study .

  10. 在注入热量和注汽时间相同情况下,先注高干度蒸汽可提高开发速度和经济效益。

    In the case of same injected heat and steam injected time , high steam quality can improve development rate and economical benefit .

  11. 低干品种铁、锌和钙含量普遍高于中干和高干品种。

    The Fe , Zn and Ca contents in low dry matter content types were higher than that of intermediary and high types .

  12. 泡桐侧芽萌发成冠与抹芽接干培育高干材关系的研究

    Studies on Relationship between Forming Crown by Sprouting of Lateral Buds and Cultivating High Quality Stem Wood by Smearing Buds to Extent Trunk in Paulownia Trees

  13. 他觉得他太平凡了,根本配不上天生丽质父母又都是高干的她。

    He felt that he was too mundane , and simply not good enough for natural beauty of her parents , and both are high-level cadres .

  14. 据这位熟人介绍,该店是只为高干服务的专供书店。我跟她只是面熟,但从来没人给我们介绍过。

    According to my companion , it was a special bookstore for high cadres only . I know her by sight , but we 've never met .

  15. 实验结果表明,这种测量方法可以满足高干度湿蒸汽测量的要求,具有很好的工业适用性。

    The experimental results show that this method is feasible for the measurement of wet steam in relatively high dryness fraction , the device is ingeniously adaptable in practical use .

  16. 结果表明,高干开心形树冠大于30%的相对光照强度比例大,且各层分布均匀一致,呈平行排列;

    The results showed that the relative light intensity in excess 30 % was high and the light distribution in every layers were uniform and parallel arrangement in open center shape .

  17. 从性别上看,中国田径女子各项群在发展速度上均明显高干同类男子项群,中国田径近二十年来逐步形成“明盛阳衰”的状况将继续维持下去;

    Viewed from sexuality , the rate of development in female 's track and field event was quicker than in man 's and this situation will be go on for about twenty years ;

  18. 系统研究了富士苹果高干开心形和不同方法改良的高干开心形树冠内相对光照强度分布的差异、果实产量分布特征及树冠不同部位光照分布与果实品质因素的关系。

    The difference of distribution in relative light intensity , characteristic of canopy space in fruit yield and quality , and their relationships were studied with the four different tree canopy shapes in the'Fuji ' apple orchards .

  19. 这项工作,要伪造两年前的一批生产报告,好叫个核心党高干名誉扫地,这家伙如今已开始失宠。

    It consisted in falsifying a series of production reports of two years ago , in such a way as to cast discredit on a prominent member of the Inner Party , who was now under a cloud .

  20. 高干开心树形由于其总枝量较少,且树冠中光照充足,叶片的光合能力明显高于小冠疏层形和自然纺锤形。

    Due to having fewer total quantity of twigs and enough light radiation in crowns , the high stem and open center shape has obviously higher photosynthetic capacity of leaves than the small and sparse canopy shape and the spindle shape .

  21. 陈宁宁今年36岁,是受过西方教育的“高干子弟”她已故的外祖父吕东曾于上世纪60年代和70年代担任原冶金工业部部长。

    Ms Chen , 36 , is a Western-educated " princeling , " as the children and grandchildren of China 's communist elite are known . Her late grandfather , Lu Dong , was China 's metallurgy minister in the 1960s and 1970s .

  22. 高干开心树形比小冠疏层形低光区少17%,产量提高20%,果皮着色、可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、果形指数、糖酸比等均高于小冠疏层形。

    The open center shape were lower 17 % in useless light space , higher 20 % in output and greater in fruit coloration , solubility solid matter , solubility sugar , fruit shape index and ratio of sugar and acid than small canopy shape .

  23. 灌浆期和乳熟期收获,干草产量随密度增加亦呈单峰曲线变化,获得较高干草产量(15000~25000kg/hm2)的适宜种植密度为78000~83000株/hm2。

    Grass and hay yield of maize showed single-peaked curve with the increasing of plant density in grain-filling stage and milk stage , and the suitable density was 78 000-83 000 plants / ha and the yield will reach 15 000-25 000 kg / ha .

  24. 为了提高注汽效果,通过对矿场注采参数的分析,提出了注采初期,锅炉要小排量,高干度送温,保证注汽质量;

    In order to enhance steam injection efficiency , according to the analysis of lease injection production parameters , this paper raises that the boiler should work with small discharge capacity and high mass dryness fraction to ensure steam injection quality during early injection production period ;

  25. 将德国高干扰谱用于高速动车动态性能仿真建立的轨道随机不平顺激扰模型,分析了欠超高和过超高状态下轮轨垂向力和横向力随曲线半径值变化规律。

    Establishing the dynamic performance simulation of high-speed train track random irregularity excitation model by taking the PSD ( Power Spectral Density ), the change law of wheel / rail vertical and horizontal force with curve radius value in less super high and super high state is obtained .