
  • 网络Alpine Ski Resort;Mountain High;skifield
  1. 人们从碎片中救出高山滑雪场23岁的一名雇员,据医院一位女发言人称被救雇员于当天下午死在他们医院里。

    A23-year-old employee of the Mountain High ski area was pulled from the debris but died at a hospital later that afternoon , a hospital spokeswoman said .

  2. 同时还有一些高山滑雪场坐落在离明斯克30公里的地域。

    There are also skiing resorts situated 30km from Minsk for mountain skiing .

  3. 他星期天在惠斯勒高山滑雪场赢得一面全能金牌之后,终于为自己加上了奥运冠军的头衔。

    Now he can finally call himself an Olympic champion after winning the gold medal Sunday in the men 's combined event at Whistler Mountain .

  4. 同时将从建设和后期组织管理两方面对这四种模式进行论述,力求为我国高山滑雪场建立的规范化提供必要的理论依据。

    Meanwhile , it expounds the construction and management in later stage of the four models , making every efforts to offer the necessary theories for the normalization of Alpine skiing of our country .